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I was sobbing, squirming my body while it was being held down by something I couldn't see. Erebus' hand was alarmingly close under the skirt of my dress making my squirming violent.

"She isn't yours!" A voice yelled, and I saw a wet spot appearing at the side of Erebus' face while his face is contorted in agony. He pulled away from me, growling an animalistic growl.

The invisible force pinning my body was gone, while I supported myself to rise from the car's hood at which my body was leant, holding the blouse of the dress to my chest due to it's rived straps.

Black smoke was egressing through Erebus' body as his eyes trained at something in a murderous glower. I met his line of vision and tears of dread were replaced tears of relief.

Oliver stood there soaked in water just like me, clutching an empty vial in his hand. His shoulders rising up and down like he had been running, very fast. There was blood dripping out of the corner of his lips.

His eyes flickered to mine and as if in panic he dashed to my direction, seizing my wrist, he pulled me in a run with him to the woods on the side of the road.

"You won't get very far with this!" Erebus bellowed. His words containing a promising threat as we entered in the woods.


"Keep running." He spoke between his pants. "That ain't gonna stop him for very long." There was an urgency in his voice. So I forced my legs to sprint harder.

I was seeing nothing just Oliver's hand, leading me in the run.

We were both running and panting, turning and making way around the trees and wild shrubs, all the while getting dunk in the never stopping rain.

Running on the ground was difficult as many muddy puddles had emerged on it. Oliver was easily able to dodge it with his springing jump but I barely was able to avoid it.

My speed was getting slower with each forced push I gave my body to run but I didn't stop though I was slow now.

"We are there. Keep running." He said lugging my hand to match his pace.


Passing through the dense shrubs we made our way out of it.

There was a house, in the midst of these dense woods. It was a big, brick built house with blue slanted roof, enclosed by the aluminum fence.

"Come." He pulled me forward inside the fence. "We're safe." He bent putting his palms over his knees and sucking in the huge breath he lost during our run. "For now." He added.

I did the same while taking in the view around.

I turned to Oliver to ask where were we but his eyes drifted to my hand draped around my chest and a burning gleam took in place there. He took the detached straps of my dress in his fingers. "You can now remove your hand."

"Uh!" I was so captivated in beholding his little actions that I didn't understand the meaning his words implied.

He just smiled at me, while his fingers curled around the hand on my chest and removed it gently. The blouse didn't fall frontward as it should have. I looked over my straps to find them attached and then to Oliver.

How did he do- I wondered in an amazement but then it was answered by the fact. He's a wizard after all.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"Let's go inside." He said softly.

"But where are we?" I asked, feeling jittery.

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