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The shadow I saw lunging at me, blended in darkness of the room, only the red eyes were growing closer to me while my terror filled scream continued.

As the shadow landed on me, the door to my room flung open.

"Aurora!" Reuben's voice resounded.

"No!" I cried, my hands flailing over my face. "Get away!"

The light illuminated the room again, footsteps hurried to me, but I was too much stuck in the moment of fear to break out from my frightful trance.

Suddenly, my flailing hands were seized in a firm grip above my head while a hand came to my cheek in a soft touch. "Aurora, it's me."

The voice had a firmness yet a softness in it that falling on my ears I broke from my fright and looked at those brown orbs.

His hand freed my wrist as he continued to look at me in concern.

"Reuben!" Unable to hold in anymore, I shoot up from the bed and slung my arms around him, violent sobs trembled my body, my face remained buried in his chest.

His hand came, wrapping around me. "Shh...everything is alright now."

"Someone was here and tried to attack me." I sobbed.

His hand rubbing my back paused. "Who?"

"A shadow with red eyes." My hands tightened around him as I recalled the terrifying figure.

"No one is here now." He whispered soothingly to me.

"Please don't leave me alone." I implored, tears flowing down my cheek.

"I won't." He spoke firmly, his arms tightening around me.

We both stayed like this, embraced in each other arms, this proximity putting my wrecked nerves at ease, until I felt myself composing back.

We pulled back after a while when my tears completely stopped, and then I noticed Oliver standing by the door, his eyes looking at us with an emotion opposite to his usual jovial one. I couldn't decipher it, but he had a vague notion of anger holding in them which confused me.

Reuben glanced over Oliver. He sighed, looking for one last time at us, "Good night," saying this, he went out, closing the door with a small thud.

Reuben got off from bed and went over, now permanently locked, bay window and pulled the drapes on. The window pane rattled, making me jump with a squeak.

"It's just wind." He told, walking towards me. "Weather ain't good today."

I tried to simmer down my fidgeting self but failed miserably, my trembling worsened at every violent rattle of window falling on my ears.

He came, sitting at the edge of the bed, by my side, looking at me softly. "I'm going to be here, so you can sleep without a worry."

"I'm scared to sleep," I told meekly.

"I'll be here," He assured.

I shook my head. "Not when I'll be asleep."

He smiled gently as if gazing at a mere child. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tenderly. "I'm gonna be with you even in your sleep."

I gazed at him, captivated in his earnest words. His touch gave me a sense of security and I needed it more. "Then be close by my side." My voice was thick by my tears.

He smiled, his eyes confronting mine with that same look of adoration he gave me before.

His hand went down to his boots, pushing them off, he tossed them aside. He shifted near me, as we laid together, with him close by my side, his hand never leaving mine.

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