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My shaking fingers fiddled, opening the car door while the tears continued to drench my cheeks . At this moment I didn't mind jumping off the moving car. I was hysteric, nothing made sense to me than the way of getting away from him. I didn't want to be his possession.

"It's futile." His dark nonchalant voice had the tinge of amusement, dark amusement.

"Please..." I inhaled a shaky breath. "Please leave me, let me go."

An insane look gleamed his eyes. "I don't like to let go of my things."

I shrank back further and further away from him, until my back was flushed to the door by my side.

I should have kept that vial with me. Reuben was apprehensive for my safety so he gave it to me. He did all his best to keep me safe, but my own
faults were ruining it.

"Why you want me?" I asked through my tears, casting a fearful glance at the demon in Trev's body.

"Because you are mine." His sinister gaze lingered at me, making my skin crawl.

Reuben please come!

Suddenly the car came to a halt. My eyes darting to him who had a very pleasing grin on his face that twisted my stomach with the worst anticipations.

"We're finally away from that vermin's place." His grin...It was wide, and more wider it was the more sinister his intentions were.

A gust of wind emerged out of Trev's body. His head hunched forward at the forcefulness of the gust that emerge through him, and then fell back to the headrest while his eyes shut.

I didn't know what happened in just mere seconds, but when I saw Trev's body unmoving, my breath caught.

I stretched a cautious hand toward him and shook his shoulder. "Trev!" I squeaked, gulping.

I was scared because Erebus was gone, he was gone without me, and this marked his abrupt return.

I heard the clicking noise and swung to my side to find the door opened.

Fifteen minutes before I was planning to jump out of the moving car, but now I didn't even want to set a foot out of its unmoving state.

I remained riveted to my spot. Small shaky breaths escaping me, my nerves were wrecking out of the anxiety while my body was quivering unstoppably.

Suddenly, I felt a coercive push at my back making me yelp while I fell forward out of the car on the cemented road.

Tears again burned my eyes while I propped myself on the elbows. The cold droplet splashed on the back of my hand. I looked upward to countless droplets pouring from the dark clouds, veiling the sky. I stood on my wobbly feet, and the drops of water soon converted to the threads of water, soaking me wet.

I always loved the rain, but this rain wasn't the one I loved. It was depressing. It held the darkness. The dense woods on the either side of the road should have seen flourishing in the rain, but they looked languid. It was the rain that had the essence of sadness like the sky was crying by the ultimate grief it was bearing due to sins of darkness.

My heart was hammering against my chest and my legs were too wobbly and shaky to run so what I could summon in me I did and started to walk towards with quick steps to the car but in the mid of my efforts the door of the car slammed shut making me flinch back.

I just couldn't immure it anymore. I couldn't. I started sobbing. My tears were blending with rain that had drenched my cheek only the wails that escaped me were telling that I was crying.

I was scared, very scared that shook me to my core. I wanted to be somewhere safe. I wanted to be that little girl who feeling the dread could hide in the protective embrace of her mother but I was deplorable because my mother was killed by the evil I was dreading.

My body stiffened. I felt the contact of skin trailing over my neck while a hand was snaking around my torso. "My Aurora." A sinister whisper tingled my ear. "Finally mine forever."

Unable to control the trauma I was bearing, it gave rise to rage, the pure rage mingled with my fear, suppressing it. "I'm not gonna be yours!" I shrieked.

He laughed his sinister laugh. "You were mine the moment you were born and nothing can change this."

"I can never be of any atrocious self as yours." I spat, feeling valiant but the next instant I was slammed to the hood of the car. I winced at the painful impact .My whole back leaning against it.

The pouring rain making contact to him but he wasn't drenching, his black cloak was dry and there wasn't a hint of wetness on him while he stood before me in outraged. His face twisted in a scowl.

Looking at him i couldn't resist myself from wondering that how such beautiful creation as him could be so sinister, cruel and full of malevolence? What deserved him to hold an appearance like an angel while being a devil.

"It seems that it is to be needed to sink into you that who you belongs to." He took a threatening step towards me while his words and his mood made the meaning to me.

I tried to rise from my position but it was like I was being held down by some invisible force. My heart started to wallop when he hovered above me. My temperature was already frozen and the drenching rain had my body numbed and had my valor from before washed away.

"Where is that bold tongue of yours now?" He leant down to my face. "Cat got it?"

My quavering got worse when that smirk returned to his face and the straps of the peach dress I was wearing, rived on its own. "You are always gonna be mine." With this, his fingers threaded through my hair, fisting them to maneuver my neck to expose the side of my throat for him to latch his lips over it while his free hand tugged at the hem of my dress, crawling up to the area where I never wanted his hand to reach.

"Stop, pease stop." I sobbed, begging him. "Don't do this please!"

His hand crawled around my inner thigh, my skin crawling at his touch. "I had to claim what is mine." I could feel his smirk over my skin while his hand crawled more above.

"No!" I yowled.

Sometimes I really feel bad for Aurora.

Well, I updated, though my exams are coming closer, but I can't stay away from my story for even a minute, plus I'm really happy today because I just turned another year older!!!! I hope you all have a great day.

Please do comment. They motivate me and you can ask your any queries related to the story.

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