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I sat by the window in the armchair with book in my hands though I wasn't reading but still I had a reason to sit idly here so that my eyes could wander in the kitchen area where Reuben was preparing lunch.

There was something different about him on which I was not able to put my finger on but there was surely a difference since the night we kissed. My finger started to trace my lips involuntarily when that miraculous feel of his lips on mine refreshed in me again and a shy smile started to form on my lips as my eyes again roamed in direction where I snooped a look at Reuben chopping the vegetables.

Did he regret kissing me?

It had been a week and there were no nightmares so far even the nightmare I had a week before was etched in my memory in bits. I didn't remember it whole but some bits of Erebus saying something. My body started to shudder in fear whenever Erebus's face popped in my memory.

To get off my mind from him I whirled my face to side to have view of outside. I wanted to have a stroll in the garden. It had been more than a week I hadn't set a foot outside. I knew that Erebus might be out hiding in the dark waiting for the opportunity to grasp me but he wouldn't dare if I had a stroll with Reuben.

Should I ask him? Definitely not! I didn't want to be a bother but I should ask whether I could go out or not.

My head shot to kitchen archway from where Reuben was exiting.

Same fluttery feeling every time watching him started again as I called his name softly. "Reuben."

He stopped in his track, whirling towards me.

"I want to have a stroll in garden, Can I?" I asked in a hopeful tone. "It has been more than a week, I haven't been outside." I added.

He peered at me with an unreadable gleam in his eyes as he spoke. "Sorry, Aurora you can't. You are only safe inside the house."

I sighed in frustration. "How long do I have to be trapped inside this house? I can't stay like this forever."

"Erebus is a demon lord. He isn't an easy demon to get off your trail. You need to be patient." He told serenely.

I knew I was being unreasonable but my sanity was wearing off by sitting in the same house with no one to talk to and this fluttery and tingling sensations in my body whenever I spotted Reuben were driving me crazy. I already had a lot of conflicting thoughts about the kiss that happened and these sensations weren't helping me much.

I hadn't had any proper conversation and interaction with Reuben in a week as I didn't leave my room very often. I loved to remain shut in my room but today I felt like getting out reading this book of which I hadn't even read a single page.

I put the book aside and stared out of the window with far off eyes as I heard the tapping of shoes in the background. He would have walked off. It wasn't like there was any visible change in Reuben but I was feeling him distant. I wanted to talk clearly about that but I couldn't approach him. I knew him barely. It had been only few days with him here and these few days I was used to him being around enough even though he didn't make his presence around known.

I shook my head. I had to stop Reuben from getting over my head. It hadn't been even a month to the day I broke my engagement to Trev. I focussed my vision on the greenery stretched out of the window wherever I set my eyes on and today this greenery was looking more green and enticing. What I loved most about this summer house of Aunt Valerie that it was located in hinterlands and they were more quieter than the urban areas which I preferred but still sitting here and not exploring out was so drab. As I was taking the view my eyes spotted a guy with broad back crouched near the flower beds and was doing something.

Who could that be? Curiosity welled up in me.


"Hey!" I called out. "Hey!"

He turned at last and I espied him pointing his finger towards himself in questioning manner.

"Yes, I was calling out you." I yelled.

He then started to jog towards me and halted near the window. He was four inches taller than my 5 feet four inch and had a hazel pair of eye that was peering at me as if it taking in my appearance. He was muscled but not that muscled to look like a bull. He was quite attractive with his tousled blonde hairs and thin lips which were pursed.

"So may I know the reason for you calling out to me." He asked with a cocky grin.

"Who are you and what were you doing?" I asked dubiously.

"Well, you are an unfamiliar face here so I can ask you the same." He spoke in a mischievous tone.

I was taken aback by his words but then recovering from them I gave him a glare which was due to my already frustrated mood. "This mansion belongs to my Aunt and I'm here for vacations."

He snorted a laugh. "You took my words seriously. I heard that Ms. Ayres's niece is here. I'm Oliver Gray. I take care of garden here every weekends."

"Oh!" Was all that came out of my mouth as I felt a bit uneasy for doubting him.

He gave a child-like mischievous grin. "Nice to meet you Ms-"

"Aurora, I'm Aurora Moore." I spoke.

"Well, I have to get back to work now Ms. Aurora. See you later." With this he headed back to the spot where he was before.

I sank back to my seat as I continued looking out but mainly my vision lingered on Oliver. He seemed a jovial personality but there was something off about him while working. He wasn't looking like that he was working. He was crouching in the same spot for quite a long time with his palms swiping on the soil surface, I noticed when I focused my eyes on him.

Abruptly I felt the air getting thicker and chillier here. I rubbed my arms feeling cold, I glanced the look where Oliver was. I saw him hurrying off from there, gathering his gardening equipments in a bag. I noticed a glimmering thing in his hands which he slid it inside his pocket.

I narrowed my eyes but what could he possibly do to me. He had no reason to harm me.

I felt the chills raising the goosebumps all over my body. I stood from my seat and started walking towards the door but it banged shut making me flinch. My heart was thudding and my breathing hiked up.

What just happened?

Again a bang echoed and I swung back to see the window shut and the drapes drawing on it, blocking the sunlight, drowning the room in darkness.

I started to heave heavy breaths while I felt dread coursing through my veins along my rushing blood.

A hand snaked around my waist, pushing me against hard wall of muscles as whimpers started to escape my mouth.

How can he be inside of the house? My body started to quiver with fear.

Lips grazed my ears. "Hello my dear Aurora." A dark voice whispered.

The evil demon is back and the new guy entered in the story.

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