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"NO!" I cried.

He had me pinned under him making me unable to move a muscle. I wanted to avert my face but like under some spell my body was petrified.

"Why you want me?" I emphasized the word me because I knew that I was no special but then suck luck was my life so to be a random target of him could be the case, but this guy wasn't ordinary. He could appear out of thin air and disappear like he wasn't even there.

Who was he?

His smirk turned smug and the honey color of his eyes were  dissolving to the black. He leant to my forehead and I could feel his breath on me. His lips were so close to mine that any inch closer could make us kiss.

"Because you are mine." He stated this as a fact.

There were still tears in my eyes and my heart was gunning which were the evidence of my fear but still I dared and spoke. "I'm no ones."

His eyes staring into mine turned a shade darker of a black and they almost looked inhuman, his grip on both my wrist got tighter that in few minutes I was feeling the stoppage of blood supply and it was excruciating, and the smirk from his lips vanished.

"leave me!" I yelped in pain.

"You are mine and only mine." He growled, which sounded animalistic.

His appearance was looking vicious. Every vibes from his body was screaming danger. Dread washed over me as those pure black eyes pierced into mine.

At this moment I wanted to teleport anywhere but here.

His smirk returned to his lips but it was filled with maliciousness. "Good!" His eyes traveled to the swallow I made and rested upon my chest which was heaving heavily with the terror. "I love the feeling of dread in you."

He kissed my brow then moved to my chest and started planting the slow kisses. Through my fear I felt the wave of ecstasy jolted through my body for first time.

Why did I feel that?!

I closed my eyes and to divert my mind through this weird feeling of ambivalence of fear and ecstasy I asked the question screaming through my head. "Who" I hesitated but then asked in my trembling and squeaky voice. " You aren't any normal human to appear and disappear like you do. "

I felt his lips stopped moving against my chest and his head shot up so that his frightening eyes could directly meet mine. "Because I'm not human!" He looked at me in amusement and his whole mein turned darker. "I'm a demon."

My eyes widened at his confession and I could feel my body turning cold. Even though his appearance was angelic he emanated the sinister and diabolical darkness from him which I could literally feel and it was far from human.

His smirking lips moved closer to mine before I could register what his move was, his lips came crashing onto mine but just for a split second because the next moment I saw through my peripheral that a beam of white light at a jolting speed hit him on his side and he slammed to the wall next to bed.

A hand brushed my brow and I felt my petrified body loosening and the next instant that hand grabbed my wrist scooted me up the bed in a swift motion.

Same animalistic growl reverberated through the room I was in.

A man with a glow around his lean yet muscular body was seizing my wrist and was leading me.

He suddenly swirled towards me but before I could see him, he hugged me , pressing my face against his chest. For a second I felt my body lighter and next second I was unwrapped from his embrace.

He stepped away from me. "Did he hurt you?" He asked in a velvety voice making me curious to look at his face. I lifted my eyes up to him.

His chocolate brown eyes were probing at me for an answer. His dark shade of pink lips were pursed in a concern and his strong jaw lines were clenched waiting for my response. I was enthralled by his heavenly face which was looking at me in a question.

"Hey, are you alright?" He put his hand on my shoulder and shook it gently breaking my trance.

"Ye-Yes." I replied, stuttering.

"He can be here soon so we have to get out of here fast." He said, making me glance around.

We were standing few feet away from the door towards which I was running through that never ending hallway before for my escape.

Wave of relief and happiness washed over me to see that mahogany colored double door opened.

He held my wrist again and we both put our step towards the door but before we could put one step more the door banged shut and a shadow of a man started to emerge on face of the door.

My heart dropped and stomach started to clench with knots as the anticipation daunted me

That guy, helping me stood in front of me like a shield as the malicious laughter echoed through here.

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