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"Aurora, come on!"

I was on the bed, curled in a ball, unmoving, I remained quiet at my name being called out.

"Aurora, come on, get out of the room, please." His voice turned to begging, followed by the few knocks on the door. "Don't be so childish."

I wanted to be alone, so I had shut myself in the room. I needed to figure few things out in the solace of my isolation because dealing with things among people weren't my kind of thing.

"Aurora," he knocked again.

From the past hour, it was oliver who was coaxing me to unlock the door, but I remained quiet. I was wrapped in my own suffering to think about him.

How could Reuben be so insensitive. I didn't want any one close to me getting hurt, but still, someone very close to me get hurt, and now I wasn't even allowed to see her.

A silent tear trailed down my cheek. I could never understand him. One moment he was caring and gentle, and another he was cold and harsh. I just couldn't cope up with this attitude of him.

"Why Reuben?" I sniffed.

Reuben promised he wouldn't let Erebus do anything to my family, but he still did and Reuben couldn't do anything.

Erebus still was over us. He would do this again, and again, until I gave up.

Even if I dreaded giving in to Erebus, I wanted to do this more than anything right now.

What if I survived that demon at the cost of the people I cared. I already had a very few people in my life.

Dad might not be the one of those people I ever would look forward to see, but still he was my dad, though adoptive. I had believed him as my family despite his coldness, for twenty one years of my life. It would hurt to see him wrapping up in my mess.

All the crying had my eyes tired. Despite my best effort they dropped close, though I was conscious, I wanted to close them to feel a bit of a peace.

My eyes fluttered open, chilly jolts raking my body made me shrink further into a ball.

Why is it so cold suddenly?

Freezing gust of wind wheezed by, hitting my body, I propped on my elbow and saw the window opened.

I forced myself up from the bed and rubbing my arms walked over to it. I leant onto the seat and was about to pull the window close when again the wind wheezed, but I stiffened when the words mingled with wheezing wind fell upon my ears.

"Jump out from here. Come to me, Aurora, and save all you love."

My eyes darted open. My breathing was rapid. I could feel the beads of sweet exuding on my face.

The words still fresh in my ear, making me look towards the window.

My eyes widened to see it open just like my dream.

It was him.

He wanted me to jump out from the window to give into him. I could feel his lingering presence, like he had been on me.

Was this my chance? Should I jump? I could save my family in this way.

Why was I thinking so much? I should just jump. I wanted to surrender to him, now I had my chance.

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