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Every fiber in my body was erupting with dread as I continued to anticipate the horrors that laid before me.

In this sickly hushed ambience, a nefarious chuckle resounded. My heart jumped, my eyes flitting to the front.

I saw those black lips curved in a lopsided grin. "You were a really long chase." She spoke in a deep voice, dripping with ultimate pleasure.

Her words brew a furor in me, suppressing my fears. If my body wouldn't have been petrified at the moment. I surely would've done something outrageous not caring for the fact I was here at the mercy of these miscreant beings.

I was a person not a thing. I had my own my rights. What gave them a right to torment my life? It wasn't theirs to offer like a present to that wretched demon.

I did my best through my eyes to burn hole at the back of her head, but this didn't do anything at all to make her aware how livid I was.

"Glaring won't do you anything," She intoned in a jesting tone.

So she was aware, but it didn't stop my glaring eyes looking at her head through the head rest.

She swerved the car suddenly making my limp body bounce, my head impinged on the door of the car. My throat flexed for a reflexive yelp but nothing came out, just a painful tear.

Her egregious laugh followed as if she felt the ultimate pleasure in my misery.

Abruptly a gasp escaped her as the car deviated in a violent streak, my body tossing on the seat as the car skidded in a zip zag lane. I saw her body struggling, trying to gain control over the steering, but it was seeming like it grew the mind of its own.

A forceful impact gushed over us as the car collided onto something, my body rolled down the seat on the car's floor with a thud.

Every inch of my being burst with pain, and not able to scream was making it intense.

Before I could've reciprocated more on my situation, the door was pulled open, blocked by the frame of a man in a black trench coat.

My eyes shifted up to his face assuming him to be a danger. My eyes slowly taking in the breath taking face, but when those ocean blue enigmatic sphere peered at me, I was relieved yet perplexed.


Instead of seeing concern, his eyes lit up by an addling satisfaction.

I was still petrified so I couldn't answer him, just stare at him, wondering how was he managed to show up here at the time I was in danger, just like the day when he appeared out of the blue and saved me from Erebus. I was grateful, but I couldn't subside the question at him being my savior at almost critical points.

He seemed to be confused initially, but few moments of observing my body not moving an inch, he stretched out his palm and rested it on my cheek.

A rejuvenating warmness seeped in my skin to my muscles breaking them free of their limpness.

My joints cracked as my body loosened. He held out his palm to me and without a thought I grasped it as he pulled me out.

"Thanks, " I mumbled, heaving a large breath.

I glanced back at the car, a thick branch of the tree was intruding through the front window and a little window left in the front was cracked into splinters. It was collided into a giant tree at the side of the road, smoke was emerging from its hood.

I peeked inside the car for the trace of that women inside it. Her body was leant over the steering, probably unconscious or dead. I had never for once let my hatred took over me, but here I would prefer latter.

I looked at him, curious to ask him how was he here, but before I could, he spoke.

"Come," His voice came out as a soft whisper as he turned to the side, a car at a little distance away was parked at the shadowy side of this isolated road.

I glanced around. There was not a trace of any civilisation nearby. So my footsteps involuntary followed behind Irene to his car. He pulled the door open for me. And I sat inside.

In a minute, he was by my side at steering as the car took off from there. I was still trapped, pretty much agonized by what was going to happen to me few minutes before.

I let in a shrill breaths, calming myself down. I glanced over him. His eyes set on a road ahead, concealed of any emotion.

"You were there, just in the moment I needed saving the most..." I trailed off my unasked question.

A small smile played on his lips. "If I wasn't then you must have been in a very deep trouble."

My eyes lowered to my lap as I tried to ask my question in a more direct manner." The question isn't why but how? "

He remained quiet though I peered at his side for answer. When nothing was spoken after several minutes passing, he opened his mouth. "It seems trouble always follow you."

I bit my lip at his remark. My encounter with him always happened when the the danger loomed over me.
"Well, what could I say," I shrugged. "It is my life, always in a seek of someone's saving."

His lips quirked in an uneven smile, something about it was naggingly disturbing. "It's pathetic," His words hit me like bricks. I tried to come up with something, feeling offended. But before I could have even spoken, his next words turned my blood cold. "Such life should put to an end."

I stared at him, my eyes going wide. His mien emanating threats. Dread crawling up on me, piercing my skin like thousand needles. I gulped, looking away from him.

It's nothing, It's just a joke, I made an feeble attempt to assure myself. But it didn't help.

"Are you scared?" His voice made me jump as I looked at him with frantic eyes. Beads of sweat exuding on my brow.

His eyes confronted me, an execrable glitz splendored in them. And in that moment I knew that he was no different than a foe.

I swallowed the lump choking me as I tried to summon courage. "Who are you?"

He chortled, this dark sound with hint of derangement stabbing at my ears. " Why don't you guess?"

I didn't want to play along with him, but my suspicions clawing at me while the words rolled of my tongue. "You are a dark wizard, aren't you?"

He grinned, his deleterious intents evident on his face, chilling my bones to the very end. "Even though I'm dark and a wizard, I'm not a dark wizard," His eyes flitting to mine glinting with the cruelest gleam, making me recede, my spine colliding with car's door. "I'm a black wizard, blackest of all, who in truest senses worship evil, not any demon." His last word was laced in venom.

My chest heaving, my breaths coming out shaky as his eyes remained trained at me, his hand which rested at steering, occasionally swerving it.

"What you want from me?" My voice was barely audible as it cracked with fear.

A sickening felicity shone on his face, rising bile in my throat. He gauge my fear as if craving it. And finally relented me on this deadly silence, but pushed me into new blown swivet, gushing at my whole being when he spoke his next words. "I want your death."

Irene turned out to be a foe... How could he?

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