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I was alone, confiding myself in the room. My thoughts were all swirling around, making me inept of any action. I just stared at the wall, sitting immobile, trying to sort the scrambled pieces together.

I didn't know why the fate was so cruel, intertwining the three of us in the complexities of our feelings, making us do the things we weren't meant to do.

I didn't know what was happening around. How to put it into my actions that my feelings for Reuben were completely of different shade than it was for Oliver, but feelings were there which wouldn't let me go of either of them.

I loved Reuben, there was not a shadow of doubt about it, but Oliver...It was complex. I deeply cared for him, I did feel something, a profound feeling of knowing him from way before I met him, that was the reason, despite his action, I couldn't bring myself to well hate for him.

I was mad at what Oliver did. I was sure it was to get some sort of a rise out of Reuben, but in the process he had hurt me too.

I still had the look fresh in my mind, the dark, furious look Reuben had when it happened, but amongst all these a sort of a hurt was obstinate in his face, and I was the reason. I was frozen when that kiss happened. Some blurry images were spinning inside my mind, something refrained me from acting at the moment.

A saddened wave of loneliness washed on me. Reuben and I hadn't spoken, and it was pestering me as hell. He was just a room away, but I didn't know if he wanted to talk.

I sighed. It had been a whole morning I was here. I should now step out of here, try to drift my mind somewhere else.

I slid off the bed and trotted out of the room. With bouncing steps, I walked down the stairs, but my feet came to halt at the last step where Oliver stood.

There was hesitancy marked by an evident guilt in his his eyes as he tried to confront me. He tried to open his mouth, struggling to speak something, but nothing came out.

My face didn't bother to hide the contempt crossed on it. I averted my eyes, looking past him, ignoring his existence as if there was nothing just air around. I stepped off the side and put a step forward.

His fingers curled around my wrist, stopping my movement."Aurora..."

My eyes flitted to him sharply as I wrenched my wrist away. "Don't touch me!"

"I want you to listen to me for just once. " His eyes glinted in an implore.

"I have listened enough! "

"Please... "

I gritted my teeth as I looked into those hazel eyes, which were looking at me in a silent plead. I wanted to walk off from there, but that hopeful look pinned me to my spot.

I let out a resigned sigh as I looked at him, cueing him to speak.

He gave me a small smile while I kept my face stoic of any emotion.

"I'm sorry for kissing you just like that. I shouldn't have done that. " He gazed at me with an apology saddening his always joyful self.

"Is that all you want to say?" I asked in a monotonous voice, without giving him a fleck of an emotion.

He shook his head.

I looked at him, anticipating what explanation he had to justify his actions.

"You can punch me." He said, catching me off guard. I blinked. There was no hint of a humor in his serious demeanor.

My brow rose. I wasn't expecting this.
"Punch you?"

He looked almost innocent as he nodded his head. "It would make you feel better." His expression was the exact replica of the expression an honest kid would have during confronting and retaliating for his mistake. "And it would make me feel better, too." he added.

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