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I tried to read the book on my lap, but it wasn't helping me to indulge in it. Whenever I tried to read a word beyond the first word of the book, I felt like not reading it anymore.

Loneliness was never my complain. I loved the peace it brought with it, where I could always be the real me without any harsh judgements of other's eyes. But here, it was being a remainder of my constant loneliness. It was making me feel empty. I needed attention because even in my lonely life I had a little interaction with the people but here it was nulled. Reading wasn't being my solace to elude the loneliness anymore. Talking to the people in the house wasn't an option either. I was an introvert so to start a talk with Oliver on my own other than anything important was a hardest task for. I needed an encouragement from other side to speak and Reuben...

My heart spasmed at Reuben's distant behavior. He was distant, more distant...than the night after we kissed.


Yeah, we kissed that night!

My heart felt like pumping extra blood to my excited veins with a sprinting speed at the memory of that night. It had been days since we kissed. But I was so caught up with things going around that I never got another chance to brood over it and sort those fluttery sensations whenever I was near Reuben. My forefinger grazed over my lower lip, involuntarily, at the memory of that night. A small smile lit up my face while a blush flamed my cheeks.

"Whoa!" A voice exclaimed while I felt the couch under me dipping at the extra weight added to it. "You are red as tomato."

This caused my cheeks to heat more. But this time it was mortification doing the job.

I averted my face and sucked in a cool air to get my temperature down.

"Don't worry. I'll ignore that. You can turn around." A mischievous voice teased.

I whirled my face to spot the hazel eyes with childish glint watching me intensely. "This place is boring." He said in a whiny tone.

"Welcome to my world." Sarcasm dripped from my words.

"Yeah, you are here longer than me. You must feel this boredom every single day." He said boring his eyes into me.

"Yeah, but it doesn't bother me much." my lips tugged in a small smile.

He crossed his hand at the back of his head and leant his back over the couch. "Sometimes being lonely is good. But here this sense of loneliness is constant. Though, where I lived also has no neighbourhood around. But still my family has always been enough for giving me more than unnecessary company." A chuckled made it's way out of his thought while his eyes were holding a far off look in as if reminiscing his golden days.

"You seem really close to your family." I stated. A happy smile of my own splayed across my lips.

"Ya, very much." A smile splayed on his lips. It was happy yet a tinge of sadness gleamed in his eyes. "Though they planned on sending me away on several occasions." He grinned.

His grin made me chuckle. "So you were a bad boy?"

He shrugged. "Have always been," a cocky look crossing his features. "And you must be a good girl?"

"Well, I never did anything of that sort that my parents considered sending me away." Still my dad considered it. Smile from my lips disappeared.

It was surprising that he didn't find me yet but I couldn't hide from him all my life and facing him wasn't an option either. He wasn't a type to give consideration to my consent. What option had I had?

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