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Reuben's POV-:

"You got everything?" I asked, pulling the car in the isolated corner of the parking.

Oliver's eyes flickered anxiously to the exotic looking club to the side of the parking.

"Got it," his voice came out a bit shaky, and I couldn't help my smirk that was enjoying his dreading state. "But, please keep your timing sharp. I won't stand a chance against him."

He got off the car and with timorous steps, taking his sweet time, he started walking.

I watched at his retreating back, making its way to the front of the club where the party was being held.

I just hope he doesn't create any blunder.

My phone rang, I picked it up, expecting the right person. "I'm there."

"I'm coming." I said, hanging up the call.

I scooted out of the car, making my way to the back of the club. I ascended the front steps and entered inside the door.

I was impressed. She kept it all neat and perfect.

I walked further down the hall, to find few couples tangled with each other, making out, and too busy to notice my presence which walked straight through the gigantic double door that lead to the area where party was going on.

My ears were immediately filled with thumping beats of the music, while my eyes were met with the crowd swaying wildly on those thumping beats.

Without wasting time, I had my eyes scanned the whole area which stopped at the petite figure egressed through the crowd and flung its arms around me.

"Reuben!" The girl shrieked in excitement.

"Sorry for being late." I wrapped a hand around her, returning her hug.

She pulled back, her chestnut eyes, making a quick, cautious glance all around, especially to the group sitting in corner, looking our way. 

Her eyes bored into me while she ran her hand through her bronze hairs. "The wait was worth you." She lolled her head to me, pressing her lips over mine.

I just kept the kiss simple enough to give a people a worthy show around. Her hands moved over my chest, her fingers slipping inside the inner pocket of my jacket.

She pulled back, again her cautious eyes glancing all around, yet she maintained that seductive smirk on her lips.

She coiled her hands around my arm, flushing her body to mine, leading me to the bar area.

We sat on the barstools facing each other while she let out a huge breath.

"Your job is completed now." I whispered.

"What!" She feigned shock. "I was having so much fun."

"Then I apologize to kill your fun. I don't need you here now. I have arranged everything for you. Have a rest for a while." I whispered.

I could see those images of her hardships playing behind those chestnut eyes that had a nothing to worry facade veiled over them. How she remained inconspicuous among these wolves and had her job done gracefully. She deserved to be freed of her struggles now. She could rest for a while.

"You deserve it, Carol." I said.

A gratified smile graced her lips. "Thanks."

"So," A mischievous grin took over her smile. "Why are you so conflicted?"

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