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His presence here was a thousand volt shock to me.


My eyes were refusing to believe it but how could they refuse what was right before them.

His eyes were fixated at me in acrimonious glare with those two bulky men on either of his side that dad sent at my condo.

"What are you doing here, Trev?" This question should have came out gallant rather than raspy.

"Well, I was here to make things right with you but you aren't right yourself." He seethed the words laced in venom, as casted a glance at Oliver who sat confused beside me. "So that's the reason you broke up with me."

His accusation draped the disgust around me. "You were the reason I broke up with you."

His fist clenched as he took the threatening steps toward me, grasping my arm he jerked me off the bed and clutching my both wrist in his painful grip he slammed me against the wall, and tower above me. I winced at the painful contact of my back with the wall.

"How can you do this to me Aurora!" He yelled getting into my face. "You left me for that trash." His grip got tightened making me whimper.

"Back off dude!" Oliver grabbed Trev by his collar and in one smooth motion ripped him away from me, gaining a murderous glower from Trev who tumbled back.

"Beat the hell out of him." He barked the order to those two men at the doorway. Following his orders like a docile dog, they made their way to Oliver.

"He has nothing to do with this. Leave him alone!" Ignoring the pain surging around my wrists, I stood in front of Oliver.

"He has a hell lot to do with this." Trev furiously growled.

"Leave us alone Trev." My voice quivered but it didn't lack my valiantness. I wouldn't let him hurt Oliver.

"Get him!" Trev barked to the two men that had stopped before me but his yelling got them in action again and pushing their way around me they had grabbed Oliver.

One of them was behind him, locking his hands around arms, keeping him firmly at a place.

Oliver had an audacious countenance. His eye trained with acerbity at the men before him who had fisted his hand, probably to hit him.

My chest constricted at the thought, and as he was about to blow a hurl at him, "No stop!" I came in between and flung my arms around Oliver's neck, clinging my body as shield before him.

"Aurora!" Panic perturbing in Oliver's voice could be heard as I closed my eyes for the painful impact.

A second passed, then a minute passed but the pain never came to me or was it too full of impact that I was numbed?

I opened my eyes to see the man's fist stopped an inch away from my cheek.

I heard Oliver releasing a relieving sigh.

Trev voice boomed in rage as, "Get away from him." my clinging self was rent away from Oliver and the hands wreathed painfully around my torso started to lug me out.

"Leave her now!" Oliver bellowed thrashing his body against the man seizing him.

I screamed in protest as I was being dragged out but my protest got outraged when I heard Oliver grunt in pain. The man landed blow on his jaw and this was the last scene I saw before being dragged out.

"Why are you doing this Trev?" I yelled as hot stream of tears flowed down my cheek. "He has nothing to do with me breaking up with you "

"Don't lie!" He let out a harsh breath as he was struggling yanking my reluctant feet on the stairs but I matched nothing to his masculine strength.

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