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His lips on mine were creating an uncomfortable throb to palpitate my body, the flesh near the side of my stomach to my ribs was burning, but this wasn't the pain, it was some unexplainable phenomenon.

I wanted it to stop, my chest was spasming in uncomfortableness of the phenomenon.

"No, stop it!" I managed to squeak out when his lips removed a little from mine.

"You want this too, Aurora. Just give in. Feel it." He leered.

"I don't want it!" Tears rolled down my eyes.

"Too bad, I don't care." His words rumbled as he looked at me venomously.

Today, didn't seem like a day I would be saved. He won. He had me. I couldn't be saved now. It was bound to happen. It was inevitable.

As the bleakness of my thoughts surrounded me, all the hope snuffed out, leaving a vulnerable mess, but then Erebus was removed back from top of me, but the impact didn't tumble him to the ground, his feet with an inhuman lithe slid back in a grace as his body took over a deadly stance like a predator- ready to attack. His eyes wide in anger.

A chilly wind wheezed by, cutting the raging silence like a sharp knife. My tears stopped, staring at this in disbelief.

My body twitched in fright as a palm stroked my brow, soft warmness spread through my limbs. I felt the force on them being lifting off.

I immediately tried to scoot myself up, but my injuries refrained me from doing so, making me wince in a sharp twinge.

"You again!" Erebus growled, his eyes focused past me.

I whirled my head to the side, a deep blue pair of eye, holding a look of a storming ocean, glowered to the direction where Erebus stood.

I gasped as the recognition settled in me. It was...the man...who saved me that day from those guys... His name...he told me his name when we had met again...It was Ier...Irene. Yes, that was it. His name was Irene. I remembered.

"I knew all the time you were hiding under the protection of that deplorable woman," Erebus seethed. "But it seems your death is inevitable."

"We'll see about that." Irene's words came out placid, contrasting to the furious look flooded on his face.

Red flames erupted out of the air, circling around Erebus. He looked at them without a hint of a bother.

"How can you even think, such a pitiable fire is able to hold me down." He scoffed.

"Sure it cannot hold you," there was smugness reflecting from Irene's voice. "Not more than a minute."

Erebus' face erupted with violent ferocity as if understanding what he implied.

Irene bent to me the moment Erebus' flexed into action. Slipping his hand under my back and knees, he picked me up. Erebus tried to cross the fire fenced around him, but it started to erupt more, making the flames to become denser.

"Now, you've showed yourself you can't hide from me. I'll hunt you down and ensure you a painful death!" He roared as the fire around him started to abate to the dark vapors, as dark as the look on his face.

My heart started to race in panic. He's gonna get me.

Irene remained calm, not a slightest bit wavered by the scary threat he received, and not by the fact the flames were snuffing out.

His hands around me tightened and the next instant everything became a mixture of black and white blur, everything around seemed to fade and in another instant I was somewhere else, my head was leaning on his chest, my energy all drained out, as I stared at this all with tired eyes full of perplexity.

What just happen?

My eyes shifted all around, taking in the surrounding. I was back on that deserted road with dense woods on either side of it.

I expected him to say something, to give me some explanation, to assure me I would be alright, but he didn't utter a word. He just walked straight ahead, carrying me.

For some reason, I was getting mixed feeling about this. Being here with him, I had a sense of safety but at the same time I had this anxiousness striking in a pit of my stomach.

"Where are you taking me?" I didn't mean the words to come out accusing, but I was drained out to strain my voice of any emotion.

"Away from that demon."

"It ain't much of an effort for him to appear out of blue." My voice involuntarily shook, apprehending the worst.

"He won't." He replied curtly.

How could he be sure? I looked at his face, there was nothing visible in it. No fear. No anger. No empathy. It was stoic. Like he didn't just appear out of thin air and took me without much of an effort, from right before the eyes of a deadliest demon.

There were a lot of questions welling up a pricking curiosity in me. But I let them go. I was about to be taken by that demon and he saved me. That was all. I didn't want to put any questions to him right now. It wasn't the time, and I was in too much pain to strain myself of doing anything more.

I knew him from a short while, but whenever I stared in those deep blue pair of eye, an enigma peaked my interest, as if it held a story, a story I would surely like to know.

I let myself relax in his arms as I closed my droopy eyes. My nerves were loosening, feeling calm like a sleeping baby, as if I was accustomed to this before.

"Aurora!" My ears perked up as Irene stopped in his track.

I struggled my eyes open. They slightly lifted, and through my lashes I saw the face, I desperately wanted to see, inundated with panic.

"Reuben." I whispered, a smile gracing my lips.

He took long strides towards me. My body floundered for his touch. As he reached to me, he instantly put his hand under my torso in attempt to hold me, but Irene stepped back.

"Who are you?" He asked in a rough, intimidating voice.

Reuben's jaw flexed. He eyed up the man before him, readied to give him a piece of his wrath.

"I know him," I quickly respond in a low breathy voice, restraining my half closed eyes from falling shut. "He means me no harm."

Irene's grip loosened around me as Reuben passing Irene a glare, reached for me again, his hands wrapping around me, scooped me up in his arms, and clutched around me protectively. 

My eyes flitting to Irene. I gazed in them, curious to peek one last look in them, as he returned my gaze with a profound look, I could see the conflicts going behind those cold, blue irises. But he was strong and undaunted. I knew whatever his conflicts were he could face it, unlike me.

For some unknown reason, I had this intense urge to assure him free of his worries. Like I should do this. Maybe it was out in return for what he did for me today.

I smiled softly with all my gratitude, before my eyes dropped shut, gazing in those blue enigmas.

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