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If I were a wizard the first thing I would have done was to cast a teleporting spell at this very moment, far far away from the evil that was seizing my quavering form in his clutch.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks like never ending rain while fear unnerved me.

"You are mine to have Aurora and now no one can save you" his head leant to my hairs, sniffing them.

"Let me go, please." I squeaked out as he burst into a loud booming diabolical laugh.

"Never." His laughter ceased and his hand around me tightened, flushing me completely against him.

Suddenly the door knocked off the hinges and Reuben strode in. His panicked face immediately held my sight and the eyes that were glinted with worry were now replaced by the blazing fire.

"Let her go Erebus." The words came out placidly yet they emanated their fierceness.

"No!" He whispered harshly. "Not this time."

"Leave her now!" Reuben growled.

Erebus eyes turned wild and the black shadows sphere started to form on the wooden floor where light was peeping through the crack of the curtain.

The spheres moved near the Reuben's foot while those shadow being were starting to egress through them towering over Reuben and blocking his way towards me which made me writhe under Erebus's clutch.

Reuben's palm started to shine with a white sphere of light which he hurled at those shadow beings, the resplendent sphere touched those shadows but it absorbed inside those shadow being's body.

Erebus laugh of triumphant boomed stinging my ears and mostly shattering my hopes.

Those shadows started to move towards Reuben draping themselves around him like a cloth while he struggled shooting Erebus a glare. He continued his struggle but soon the shadows were draped all over him, he fell to his knees and a painful growl eluded him making me writhe more under Erebus's clutch as for the first time I saw Reuben like this.

"Finally the vermin knows his place." He sneered.

"Let her go!" Reuben grounded in his cracked voice as if he was in immense pain. It was crumbling me to see him like this.

"That is never going to happen, vermin." Erebus growled as the black vapors started to emerge around us in sphere creating a sheet of blackness around us and I started to panic at the sight.

"Please let me go!" I started to claw my hands at his hand which was seizing me, but it seemed like it felt him nothing as he laughed diabolically at my vain attempt.

"You can never escape me." He whispered harshly.

Abruptly there was a sound of glass shattering and light again permeated the once a dark room with its rays.

Erebus clutched on me tightened as I saw him through my peripheral glaring to his side. I felt the water droplets sprinkled at our direction and again that animalistic roar reverberated setting my heart on a race with its proximity. I felt the Erebus' hand loosened around me, the sheet of darkness was making me unable to see around me but then I felt the fingers curled around my wrist and pulled me in a forward direction.

"No!" I heard Reuben's yell of panic.

My body piercing through black sheet of the vapors created, felt the pinching pain all over the body as I landed towards someone's chest. Hands wrapped around me steadying my wobbly feet while the pinching pain started to replace by the intense throbbing pain. My body felt like it was being punctured by the needle at every spot as I cried in agonizing pain.

My wobbly legs didn't feel any life in them, and I started to sink to the ground, but then the hands on my shoulder replaced on my waist, supporting my body from falling. I didn't know who it was because my eyes were too hazy to form any figure.

The hand on my waist companied by the hand under my knee, lifting me off the floor. My breaths were deep and heavy as I felt oxygen leaving my lungs. My hazy eyes flickered to the side where I saw the black vapors vanishing.

"You'll pay for this, pathetic creature." I heard Erebus bellow as the blackness of the vapors vanished from the sight.

"Aurora!" A concerned voice came near me, and I felt another pair of hand taking me in their scoop. The touch was so familiar that I knew it was Reuben.

He moved few steps, and then settled my body on the soft cushy surface.

"What happened to her?" An unfamiliar voice asked, the words were laced in concern.

The pain intensified and instead of needles puncturing my body, I felt the sharp pointed daggers doing the job.

"Aurora!" Again that familiar touch of  hand caressed my brow.

I could feel my eyes rolling in the back of my head and limbs numbing with pain. Breathing became the hardest task and my hazy vision was starting to form the black patches.

"Aurora! Aurora!" Yells dripping of worry rang in my ears.

My eyes started to close and soon those yells were like fading whispers.

"Aurora!" Was the last word I was able to make out before succumbing into the painful darkness.

Who could be the one who saved Aurora?

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