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I laid on the bed on my stomach, my body tangled in the red velvet sheets, my chin propped on my crossed hands, my eyes fixated at the window, gazing at the violet sky mostly taken over by the clouds, very few stars shimmered the sky, but even without stars, I could feel the beauty of this serene night. 

I glanced to my side, expecting Reuben to be asleep which could have been a rare sight for me but he wasn't there. I sat on the bed, confused, clutching sheets tightly around my body, looking around until my eyes fell on the door to balcony which was opened ajar.

A white shirt was lying on the floor to my side of the bed on the blue rug. I picked it up and slid it on me, unwrapping the sheet on my body underneath the shirt, I dropped it on the floor as I made my way to the balcony.

The shirt hung loose on my small frame was reaching to my mid thighs. But what was assuring about wearing it, that it had his distinct scent wafting around me, a musky fragrance with tinge of soft enticing scent of being around nature.

I quietly stepped in the balcony. He was standing with his back on me, leaning against the baluster, wearing a black jeans and a blue unbuttoned shirt.

"I thought you were asleep, " he said without even turning around. 

I stopped, and wrapped my hands, embracing him from behind, nuzzling my cheek on his strong back. "I thought the same for you."

His palm covered my hand, wound around him, in a gentle touch. "I couldn't fall asleep."


His hand tugged at my hand, and in a seamless motion, I was pulled across him, my back pressed on the baluster while his body was flushed against mine.

His unbuttoned shirt gave the peek of his muscles which were on him in an athletically proportionate amount, giving his body an astounding look. No doubt with a looks and body like that he could have been easily a front figure of a GQ magazine.

My eyes met his, and they were glinting in a mischievous way, casting his breathtaking beauty a more flabbergasting look, making my heart skip a beat.

"How could anyone be sleeping if you were right next to them, and especially after... " he trailed off with a mischievous yet dazzling smile.

My eyes lowered as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks at his impish implication. 

A soft chuckle left him as his face neared mine." Don't you think, it's too late to be embarrassed? After all, I've seen all. "

His teasing remark didn't help the profound blush reddening my face.

"Reuben!" I chided in a small, mortified voice. This again induced a chuckle from him.

But then an enamoring look crossed him as he gazed at my profusely blushing face. His hand stretched and tucked locks of my hair behind my ear.

Exciting ripples broke through me as our gazes locked. His forehead touched mine while our lips were just an inch away.

His hand slid around my waist and in next moment I was scooped up in his arms as he carried me to the room.

"Well, the night is far from being over." he whispered, a desire, an adoration burned in his eyes as he carried me inside the room, my heart beating erratically at his words as I gazed at him, enraptured in his breathtaking beauty.


A smile stretched across my lips as I sat in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection, my mind mulling over the last night as I unconsciously stroked my hairs with a brush.

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