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Aunt Valerie pick up the call...

Aunt Valerie pick up the call...

Aunt Valerie pick up the call...

I paced back froth before my car as I impatiently chanted Aunt Valerie to pick up her phone. I had my car stopped in the middle of the desolated road leading to the outskirts of the city and that shady man sent by dad was probably was still tracking me down.

"God, Aurora," she said exasperatedly, finally picking up the call. "I was in a me-"

"I need your help!" I cut her off.

"Are you alright?" she sensed the panic in my voice as she asked.

"Not for long, I think."

"Explain what is going on?" she asked. There was a panicking demand in her tone.

"Dad sent a man at my place to bring me to him. I escaped." speaking it out loud really sounded low. It wasn't expected of him. "And now I'm in the outskirts of the city. I don't know what to do next. Where to go."

I could hear her realeasing an angry sigh. "Hell befall him. That despicable man!" there was a silence a for few seconds before she spoke again, her voice calmer this time. "A year ago I bought a summer house at the outskirts of city. The one where you, I and Danielle spent weekend after..." she trailed.

The weekend after mom died. I knew that house.

"Go to that place. Be there until I resolve this with your father." She spoke after a long silence.

I felt a relief washed over me."Thank you so much. I'm really grateful."

"You're family, Aurora. Just be safe." her words held a concern.

"Yeah," I said. "Will inform you after reaching there."

"Sure, dear."

My eyes shifted to the car as I hung up the call. And something weird settled in the pit of my stomach. It was daunting.

I inhaled deeply as I paced towards my car and got inside it. As I started the engine, a freezing sensation crept on my nape, running down to my spine. I could feel my heart beat elevating. I hit the gas trying to not mull over the changing air around me. Trying to find an explanation for eerie changes never skip through the part where the overwhelming fear hit.

I hit the music system on and the moonlight drive by the doors blared through it.

I wasn't the big fan of blaring music. But drowning in the sound did take the thoughts away for a while. And this was what I needed for today to not think what had happened since... Well, I had never been entirely happy. So since my whole life.

I had driven around for two hours and the summer house was now an hour drive away. I was going to be there for a while. Perhaps a month. But I couldn't hide there for my entire life. I had to either give in to Trev or come up with something. And I was desperate for latter.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realised how silent it was suddenly. I glanced at the music system. It was turned dead.

I hit the button. Nothing happened. I hit it again. Still nothing. A sharp twinge of irritation went through me as I slammed my fist on it. Nothing again.

"Damn it!" I cursed under my breath. Just like my life, I needed to fix that too. Great!

"A millennium passed. Time is near. It has come," I felt my body turning numb as my heart almost stopped. "You're here. I'm here. There's no escaping the inevitable now."

Drip of sweat broke down through my temple as I tried to breathe the breath stuck inside me. My hands squeezed the steering as I tried not to panic. Though I was losing it all. I glanced at the radio. The light on the music system was glistening. It had been on now. Might be from the hit I gave it before. Probably some radio channel was tuning in. But it was silent now. Perhaps the signals had weakened.

I let out a huge shaky breath as I turned the radio off. Silence was much more assuring than the eldritch radio broadcast.

"I had been with you in the every flickers of light you had seen."I felt a chilly blow at my ear, sending creeps down my body.

"I had been with you in every chills you ever felt."

Every strand of hair on I erecting.

"I had been with you every emotion of fright you had."

And I knew this wasn't radio now. Nor it was before. 

"I had been there all the time. And I'm here now."

I trembled as I dared by some force looked at the rearview mirror. A reflection shone on it. A face it held. His features hidden in the shadow of the hood. But I could see the smile. The smile I had seen before. It was evil. Pure evil.

A scream erupted through me as an uncontrollable sense of fear dawned on me.

I lost the control of steering. My car skid to the side. I tried to gain the control back whilst the panic rose in me. I slammed the foot on the brake. Screeching of tires echoed. But it didn't gain the balance back. It swevered around as it tilted on one side while I shrieked and in next second it made three flips, landing on its hood on the road  The front window shattered by the impact and the splinters came flying at me.

I was sure it was dastardly to view this accident from outside with assumptions that driver hadn't made it. But I was barely conscious for now. And I was feeling painful throbs at my left shoulder. It was feeling to have been dislocated. I moaned in pain as I tried to shift, seatbelt digging at my shoulder.

I couldn't help myself untangling me from the seatbelt either. My left hand couldn't be lifted now.

The blotches appeared before my vision as I could discern my senses turning faint.

"Help," I could barely hear myself.

There was clacking of footsteps as if being made on purpose to draw my attention. My eyes shifted to the rolled down window to my other side. I saw through my blur a silhouette walking my way.

As it got nearer, I was able to make patch of brown colors on his feet which I assumed to be his boots. A blue jeans tucked under them. The legs bent as they reached to the window on my immediate side. A torso clad by white shirt I could see through my barely working vision. This person had a broad built for it to be a women so I knew immediately knew he was a man.

His hand slid through my stomach as he untucked the seatbelt from me. His one hand wrapped around my back and another hand was under my arm as he pulled me out in a single scooting motion.

My eyes could barely be kept open. But I didn't let them shut. I tried to make out his face. But I couldn't except for a thing that had dread snapped in me.

A smile on his face.

A lopsided smile.

It was vicious. Evil. And he had sensed what I had made out.

By now it had been etched into my memory that I couldn't mistake it.

I whimpered as I flexed my muscles in a futile attempt to crawl away from him.

But my senses were barely working. It was pitiful.

I could feel my body shutting down and I was painfully sccumbing into an unconscious daze.

If that smile could turn any more vicious. And it did. "Got you!"

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