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Thank you so much optimistic_tears for such a beautiful cover. ----------------------------------------
Sky had set to the dark orange, apprising me of the time I had spent staring at the window in nothingness.

My mind still mulling over the words of Oliver. There was a guilt settled heavy inside me of what I did to make him feel the way he felt? But whenever I got to this question, an image of us kissing inundated my memory and the guilt grew heavy.

I had kissed him thrice, first two were to break the spell...but the third time, it was on a whim. He was hurting that night, it just happened in the flow of moment. At that time, I wanted Reuben out of my mind, I didn't want him to occupy my thoughts. So I let him kiss me.

But now, it was all different. I loved Reuben. If Oliver would be adamant over not giving up on me, then it would not only hurt him, but me as well.

I sighed as thought of Reuben crossed my mind. He didn't even know about my kiss with Oliver.

Why it had to be ruined when it was getting so perfect with Reuben? It was so bothering. Couldn't I ever get a peace of mind? Did it always have to be turned like this?

I jumped, hearing a sudden loud ring of the phone echoed. Startled, I averted my head to the side, and there for the first time I noticed a phone being kept on the side table.

It never rang in my more than a month stay here, and today out of the blue, it chose to ring.

Should I answer it? Well, it was Reuben's place, so it was logical for the call to mean for him, so what would I answer, receiving the call?

But some unexplainable anticipation was twisting my stomach and the continuous ringing were stabbing my ears.

Involuntarily, I shifted at the end of the couch and very hesitantly picked the call.

I gulped before speaking anything, but the voice at the other end started first.

"If you care for the life of that guy of yours," a gruffy voice of a man spoke. "Then come to your condo. You have sixty minutes," my brows furrowed, unable to grasp the meaning. Was it a wrong number? "And don't you try acting anything foolish, Aurora. His life depends on your every move." Adding this he hung up.

I was frozen at my place, unable to think of anything. That call was meant for me. But how did the person at the other side knew I was the one receiving the call? I didn't even get a chance to utter a word.

Who was he talking about? My heart beat started to quicken...Was it Reuben? I shot up from the seat and scurried towards the elevator.

My hands were trembling as I pressed the button to the elevator.


The door dinged open, and I hurried inside. My whole being was fidgety as the tears started to burn my eyes.

Who could be on the phone? Though I knew the possibility of being any dark wizard was much higher. They had Reuben, but how?

The door slid apart with a ding, and my body stuck in fear. The parking area was desolated just like the day when I was here with Aaron, and those wizards got me.

With each shaking step, I summoned the courage to walk outside the elevator, looking everywhere with frantic eyes.

I didn't know that I was being delusional, but I could see the shadows moving through the corners of my eyes.

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