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I looked over Charlie through the car's window. He was leaning in the car seat, his eyes closed, trying to take in some peace finally while reposing.

Today had been a lot for him. And he deserved some serenity after such a long time.

My eyes shifted back to Oliver as he hissed slightly while I wound the gauze around his head.

He was sitting on the hood of the car, carrying a first aid on his lap.

"It's almost done," I mumbled softly.

He gave me a half smile.

I smiled back as I tied small knot on the gauze. "And now it's done."

"Are you alright? his impromptu question caught me off guard, plundering me off words.

His eyes were fixed as if he was trying to read something. A small frown creased its way up on my brow.

I was alright...was I?

Bereavement was there. Somehow, I even felt sad for Ives. But after everything, I couldn't let go off that he was the reason for all my torment. Maybe it could've been different if he had wanted, if he had chosen a different approach. But it wasn't.

What should I feel? After all, he did sacrifice himself for me?

Should his sacrifice oblige me to think highly of him?  To forgive him?

"I don't know," I admitted honestly. It all bothered me more than I could express. "What should I feel about all this? It's so hard. I just can't let go of things. And it bothers me."

"Then let it go," he said simply, but only if he knew.

I sighed. "It's more complicated than it seems. If it was easy to let go off all the anguish then I would've done it without a thought. But it isn't."

He smiled, and there was something discerning about it. "Don't dwell much over your thoughts. If we always think over the things of the past then letting go isn't easy. So stop thinking. Don't care. Just let go. Because it was your past not your destiny, Aurora."

Inexplicably, I gazed in those beautiful shade of hazel eyes, caught in the charm of his words.

More I mulled over his words, the more my complexities were sorting out.

What had happened was now a deal of the past. I couldn't keep on wishing things to be different. Maybe it was meant to be like this. And I should leave it like this because I had no curb over my past, but I did have a future.

And that was my moment of epiphany.

To let go of things.

To let go of past.

And to let go of pain.

"Thank you, Oliver. Your words really helped." Now my thoughts were aligned straight, relieving me of the things that now didn't seem to matter as much as they did before.

He just shrugged, that blithesome smile never leaving his boyish face.

"We should probably go now," Oliver suggested, his eyes wandering around the lushed greenery, settling over the mansion in the distant.

I nodded. "Ya, I'll go get Reuben."

His eyes seemed to harden at Reuben's mention, and I was cognizant for its reason. It was apparent he hadn't gotten over his aversion for Reuben. And it was over me.

He didn't say anything just nod.

I wanted to say some kind of assuring words. But I was short of them. There was nothing assuring I would say could get to him. No reasoning worked for him when Reuben was involved.

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