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There was no void today, only the feeling of completeness remained, filling my soul with an emotion that my heart had craved for with a longing desire.

Being in bed, eyes closed with an arm wrapped around your waist and a chin resting on your head while your back was flushed against the rock hard chest, it was more than I could've asked for, to be with the one I loved. Maybe this was how the true happiness felt like.

My eyelids fluttered open with a rejuvenating energy surging my body. For the first time on waking up, I smiled a big broad happy smile.

Fingers grazed the crook of my neck while sweeping my hairs off that area, lips pressed onto it in a gentle kiss, making my toes curl with a ticklish jolt zapping my body.

"Hope you had a good sleep," A husky voice brushed my ear.

After such a long time I felt so peaceful after waking up, and for the first time in these three nights, I wasn't jolted awake, screaming. There was no feeling of dread pulsating through me, only a light swooning feeling.

"Ya, a very good sleep," I mumbled lazily, nuzzling my head against his shoulder.

But our morning moment was short lived as a phone rang, perking up our ears. I heard Reuben sighing, reluctantly removing his arms around me and sitting on the bed.

I turned towards him. He was picking his phone kept on the nightstand and after few rings he received the call with a very bored expression.

He didn't speak anything just listened while I stared at him with curious eyes. His brow scrunched before he mumbled a silent, "Okay."

He hung up the call, his eyes shifting to me, and a small smile twirling his lips up, "Something needs my immediate attention. I've to go."

His words downed my spirit. I wanted to spend this day with him. But I couldn't bind him to me, so without showing my reluctance I managed a smile, "Sure."

He looked at me for few seconds with an unreadable countenance before he leant onto me, pressing his lips to mine. My hands came on his shoulder, savouring the moment as he softly moved against me.

He pulled a little back, "I'll be back really soon," his lips brushing against mine.

I nodded with a smile.

His hand unwrapped from my torso as he shifted a little back, my body convulsed at the loss of his contact.

He sat over the edge of the bed, putting his boots on. I gazed at his back when a thought struck me again.

"Reuben," I called.

He looked over his shoulder as he put his another boot on.

"What you do?" I finally asked the question that had occurred to me several times but never confronted him on it. "It must be something really good to afford such luxury," I added, my eyes motioning around the well furnished room I was in.

He smiled, turning to me, "It's nothing that good," with his these words, I expected him to elude the question but he didn't, "I've a business firm."

My brow creased as some thing, involuntary, started to sum up in my mind, "Business?"

He nodded.

My eyes widened when some guess clicked in my mind. "Are you the owner of Westbrook Enterprises?"

He gave a subtle nod, as if it wasn't anything big, while I gawked at him, astonished by this sudden piece of an information, "You never shared this before."

He shrugged nonchalantly, "It wasn't anything interesting," there was a detached note evident in his voice as he spoke, like it wasn't anything to him, to be the heir of such a vast fortune.

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