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Thank you AuthorRajanArora for such a beautiful cover.
The flash of black eyes jolted me awake from my unconsciousness with a gasp.

My palms rested on my side, feeling a velvet touch beneath them. I was on a giant bed with black canopy suspended over it.

I frantically looked around. How am I here?

I was in a room, lit up by moonlight infiltrating through the window. Everything in the room was of a dark mahogany color, giving it a more ghoulish look.

The last memory I had was of... a shivering jolt ran down my spine... Erebus... advancing towards me. And from there it was all black.

"Day has gone
Now darkness will dawn,"

My blood froze, listening to familiar words of the song that I had heard once.

"Seeping through the corners
Where you haven't imagine,"

An operatic voice singing it, piercing through the hushed ambience.

My shoulder shook while I let in the shallow gasps inside while the song continued, breaking chills over my body.

"It will have you very soon
Pushing you at the brink of your doom,"

My eyes flickered over the window where I was hearing the voice from. A women with long, ebony hairs, stood with her back, wearing a white gown.

"There'll you find me waiting for you
I'll possess you, heed my cue. "

My heart was beating erratically. I remained glued on the bed, looking at her back with dread throbbing inside me as she stopped her singing.

She showed no hint of turning around. So I very slowly tried to shift off the bed and make my way towards the door, but before I could get off the bed, she whirled, and a scream tore through me and my eyes bulged out in horror.

Oh my god!

She had no face!

It was all plain in the place where there should be her features. Her head tipped to her side while she advanced towards me slowly like a loosened body of a corpse.

I jumped off the bed and sprinted for the door. Pulling it open, I made a run out in a long hallway dimly lit by the candles fixed on the walls.

I ran, without any sense where I was going, I just ran and ran. My heart racing. My breathing coming out in rapid breaths. Occasionally looking over my shoulder to find no trace of her chasing me. But it didn't halt my run. I needed to get as far as I could.

Finally my legs gave out, and I was forced to stop to catch my huffing breaths. And then I was apprised that I hadn't seemed to be reached anywhere in that hallway. It was still continuing ahead with no vision of what waited at both the ends, just darkness veiled both the sides.

I had no clue where to go from here now. There was no doors, no windows to look out at. Nothing was making sense to me as to where I was.

I heard the swishing of wind behind, making me swing in a frantic movement behind. I caught a glimpse of dark impression of a shadow just went past straight into the wall the moment I turned.

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