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It had been only few seconds that it all happened, me kissing the boy, he getting back to conscious, and suddenly fingers wrapping around my elbow, yanking me away from the guy I kissed.

"Reuben!" I protested, as I tumbled backwards at the sudden jerk when he yanked me up.

Oliver sat up, clutching his head, as he watched us with narrowed eyes, probably confused at what was going on?

I wanted to ask him whether he was alright but Reuben strong grip around my elbow refrained me from doing so.

"Reuben leave me!" I demanded, as I tried to twist my way out of his grip.

"You shouldn't be here any longer." His voice sounded so cold yet burning flame in his tone could be seen just hearing him. My eyes darted to him, darkness was dawned on his features, making him look dangerous, very dangerous that for the first time I felt fear from anyone else other than Ere- him.

I knew for the one thing for sure that he wouldn't hurt me so letting courage took over me I spoke in a challenging way. "I won't."

The brown eyes that always felt so warming suddenly turned so cold and dark that staring into them made me look into someone else. "Aurora," his voice was unusually calm so calm that the shiver jolted through my body. "I've you as my responsibility, my purpose to born here and I won't let a threat loom over you," his gripped on me tightened more. "If you want to do it hard way then it's fine with me." At the end of his words he pulled me forward to him and coiling his hand around my waist he turned me, flushing my back against his chest and then started to drag me out of the room.

"Reuben!" Again a protest came from my mouth. I could feel the friction between my bare feet and floor beneath them as I was literally being dragged out of the room.

I tried all my force in uncoiling his hand around my waist as we reached near the stairs. I didn't want Oliver to be trapped in here again.

"Reuben leave me this instant!" I yelled but it seemed my yell fell on the deaf ears.

He continued steering me towards the stairs, but he stopped when a raspy voice spoke. "Leave her!"

With a threatening glare Reuben whirled his face to side to find Oliver standing few feet away with a threatening glare of his own. He took a step towards us but in next second he flung backwards, his back pinning and his feet dangling few feet away from the floor.

My eyes widened and I immediately darted my head to side to the Reuben's face inches away from mine. His eyes had a sharpest look in them.

"Let him go Reuben!" I said but it was to no avail because his look sharpened even more.

"You are not like this Reuben then why are you doing this? Please... Please let him go, let me listen to him once just once that why did he do that, everyone should get a say in their defense please let me listen to him. If I'll find him a threat. I'll let you do what you planned on doing but please..." I implored, my eyes boring to him emanating their pleading.

His once hardened eyes softened when they fell on my face. "Aurora you won't understand. You act on emotions which should not be the only thing that our decisions should be made on."

"Decisions made by emotions are the decisions of our conscience and our conscience knows our past, present and future, so it can never be wrong." I said the words that once my mother told me which always let my emotions drive my life but I was never once in my life disappointed over her words, never.

He somehow looked taken aback by my words and an unexplainable struggle crossed his eyes. His grip on me loosened but again something in them clicked, bringing back that hardened look in them.

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