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The soft warmth tingled my skin, making my eyes squint, and then groggily they opened.

The soft beam of sun through the slit of the blind was falling over my face.

Rubbing my sleepy eyes, I rose from the bed. The events of last night coming to me like a soft blow of wind.

Heat stroked my cheeks as his kisses from my memory made my sleep go away, feeling lingering touches on the body where he had kissed, my lips curled in a happy smile. My chest filled with a warm fuzzy emotion, rejuvenating my soul.

With a beaming smile, I whirled my head to the find it... empty.

Reuben? My smile fading away, as my eyes drifted across the room to find me alone.

I sighed. I would've felt better if on waking up, he was by my side.

My chest constricted as the thought struck me. Was he back to being distant? The thought setting on my heart heavy like a boulder.
My fist clenched. I won't let him be distant to me again.


Today, I needed to be somewhere. Due to current events occurring in my life, it slipped my mind, but thankfully, I didn't forget it.

After spending an hour in shower, giving myself some positive talks, I decided to walk in the kitchen.

Reuben probably must be sitting there, sipping his coffee.

As I reached near the kitchen archway, I heard some voices whispering in an argument.

"Don't be so imprudent!" Reuben whispered, struggling to keep his tone calm.

I quietly took a step inside the kitchen, my brow puckered. Oliver and Reuben was standing, facing each other with grimness.

They both looked furious which was a new sight, as, usually Oliver would be the one furious, while Reuben remained nonchalant, ignoring him, like he didn't exist.

What got them arguing now?

I walked towards them with an intent of calming them down.

"Imprudent!" Oliver hissed. "Why you always have to hide the things?"

His words stopped me in my track.

Hide things?

Reuben seemed to get cognizant of my presence as he glanced at me, making Oliver notice my presence, too.

They both tried to pretend calm, in which Oliver apparently failed.

I knew like usual I wasn't going to get a word out of Reuben's mouth, so I didn't even bother asking him.

"What happened?" I directed the question to Oliver.

He sighed, then looked at me. His eyes gleamed with sympathy. "Nothing." His words came out forced.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He gave me tight lipped smile, glancing at Reuben, to whom his eyes threw daggers. "Yeah." Saying this, he strode past me out from here.

I looked over Reuben who was leaning on the kitchen island, his eyes void of any emotion stared the direction where Oliver went.

My insides were clenching with unease. Something about this felt disturbing.

I knew it was useless, but still I did. "Reuben, is really everything alright?"

He gave me a smile, which was more reassuring than of Oliver's. "Of course yes."

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