35 ~ I won't let you go!

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Nandini's pov

"No-no-no don't! Don't even try Ma---" My sentence was left hanging in air when a mud ball came flying and hit me on my waist.

Damn my skirt!

Why the hell did I wear it today?

I looked up at him and saw him giving me an evil grin.

"Try not provoke the monster in me!" He shouted.

"Watch out Monster! " I clenched my fists and grabbed a fistful of mud again and this time aimed at his chest and Voila it did hit its target at the exact point.

"Nandini!" He yelled and I smirked. His clean white hoodie would turn brown soon, I mentally laughed at this thought.

But wait who was I kidding to? Another ball came up and landed ahem at the top of the valley of my bosoms.


It's fluid content trickled into the insides.


I didn't stop either I threw another at him making him cringe his nose as it landed right on his nose.

"Ha-ha" I laughed loudly making him shoot daggers at me.

And then began the dirty mud fight where we began hitting each other with the soft sticky and dirty substance called mud.

Mother Earth would be proud of us, wouldn't she?

With every dodge and blows we were actually closing our distance and then a time came where we were a foot apart. We both were engaged in smearing the clay on our faces,neck,hands literally on every part of the skin that was exposed to the air.

"No!" I shrieked as I slipped on the mud and about to hurt my butt badly. I closed my eyes out of fear but I didn't land down. A strong arm held me by my waist and another grasped my wrist. And like that we stood each other gazing deep into each other's eyes as if we would get all our answers in them.

Stop staring at him Nanz! Get a grip girl! My mind snapped me out of my dreamy eyelock.

I stood up, so did he! But God knows why he yanked me closer by my waist.I wriggled under his grip but to no avail. I gripped his hand in order to remove his fingers from my skin that was turning crimson due to his clasp.

"Manik leave me!"

"Sshhhh!" He whispered pulling me further close to his chest and then he tucked my hair behind my ear.

My eyes followed the movement of his fingers which was now tracing my chin. The pad of his thumb caressed the corner of my lips. I looked up into his eyes that didn't show any ambiguity. Those eyes were a shade darker filled with emotions, and I found something glistening in them. Tears maybe!

I looked away pushing him next that he stumbled a little. I didn't want to fall prey to his acts. I might sound rude but I wasn't the same old Nanz! I had put walls around me and no one could cross that with a pretence of an emotional act.

I spun on my heels without giving him a further glance when I heard a shrill voice in my front.

"What the hell did you guys do?" Mrs Bloom voice roared in the empty parking lot.

I had no idea what was she talking about?

"What happened Mrs Bloom?" Manik came up standing next to me.

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