44 ~ Manik, here I am!

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Hey guys from now onwards I'll dedicate the chapters to those readers who always comment on this story. This would be a small token of love from your writer. The greater the number of comments, the higher the chances of your dedication. So comment as much as you can:D

Listen to 'For you' in this chapter!

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Nandini's pov

Have you heard about the word examination? Do you hate it? Most would say yes but I love them.

I was glad our mid terms were over now. Two weeks of hard work paid off pretty well atleast for me. Rest were still sulking at the tension of low grades. Currently I was standing in front of the notice board to see my grade. Jestling through the crowd I finally managed to look at my grade and a Cheshire grin spread across my lips.

"You got an A, right?" Manik asked me as soon as I stepped in the corridor away from the crazy teenagers.

"Of course you would!" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"And you're jealous, ain't you?" I wiggled my brows.

"Nah why would I?" He shrugged off.

"Come on you got a B so you're jealous." I bit my lip as we turned around to take a seat under the tree.

"Babe I can be jealous only on one thing." Manik pulled me behind the tree as in we were hidden away from the prying eyes. He pushed me against the tree and  circled a strand of hair around his finger and played with it. I raised my brows feigning ignorance. " It's when someone lays his eyes on My Girl!" His finger now trailed the side of my face.

"Umm My Girl and all! Interesting!" I snickered.

"Yes you're M.Y.G.I.R.L and I'm Y.O.U.R.B.O.Y!" He stressed on the two words.

"Awwww how sweet of you!" I pulled his cheeks.

"Ouch! Don't do that to me okay!"

"Why?" I pouted.

"Because I don't like it." He rolled his eyes.

"Then don't kiss me!"


"Because I don't like it." I crossed my hands over my chest.

"Really PaniPuri?" He smirked.


"Fine let's put it to a test. If you moan then you like my kiss and if you don't I would do the laundry for this week!" He raised my arms over my head.

Tempting offer! I thought.

"I won't!" I replied with a fake confidence because I know what his kisses do to me but I had to win this time, right?

"Okay!" With that word his lips came crashing down upon mine without giving me a chance to compose myself. I tried to bring my hands down but guess what I was pinned against the tree, his palms fitting across mine as if it was made only for him.

I tried to wiggle out but who was I fooling to? His body was pressed against mine leaving no room for air to pass through. Immediately I felt a sharp pain in my lower lip. Shit he bit me!  Gasping I parted my lips and he took that moment to enter my mouth, stroking every breath of air out of my lungs.

God! He's too dominating! I wonder what would happen when we would have sex!

"Get ready to moan babe!" He whispered against my lips and ducked his head into my neck, nibbling the soft skin of my neck. He bit hard and damn sucked on the spot. I tried to fight back the moan and I was glad that until now everything was going good.

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