Chatper 58 (that... wasn't supposed to happen)

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Your POV

“Y/n.”  A voice said, it sounded too close to be my imagination.  I looked around, the bandana had seemingly vanished so now, I could see again.  The area around me didn’t look like Master Fu’s apartment, at least, not anymore.  White butterflies fluttered about the room. They looked like how an akuma did after Ladybug purified them.  Then I realized, I was tied to a chair. “What the h*ll?” I muttered. Someone came closer, someone who obviously had a miraculous in their possession.  “Now Starfire… or would you prefer to be called by your identité secrète… Y/n l/n?” Hawkmoth said with an evil look in his eye. I gasped. Hawkmoth knew who I was, he knew who STARFIRE was.

I gasped, and ended up knocking whoever was next to me over.  “Woah, easy Starfire.” A voice said gently. I took a breath, looking around, but not really seeing anything but fabric.  The bandana was back. It was a dream? How did I fall asleep? I steeled myself against the floor, sitting up straight, feeling something bump against my chest.  My miraculous was back on? How, but more importantly, when? “Chat noir and Ladybug agreed to leave so I could put your miraculous back on Starfire.” Ayla answered softly.  “You fell asleep, though I’m not sure how…” She added. I nodded slowly. “Did it work?” I asked softly. I heard something come closer. “Of course it worked, why wouldn’t it?”  A familiar voice asked. I held my breath for a moment. “Yin! You’re okay!” I said once I could place the voice. “Of course we’re okay.” A second chimed in. “Yang! I thought… that… I’d lost you guys.”  I admitted. There was a low chuckle, making me blush for some reason. It had to be Chat noir. He was the only one who had this kind of effect on me. “What? Like you wouldn’t be worried too if something happened to Plagg?”  I half growled. Now Ayla was the one laughing. “I think we all would be just as worried as you were Starfire.” Ladybug countered. I took a breath, to try and calm myself down again.

(Quick time skip because the Quileutes took Alec and Jane down all so easily: four days, Chloe’s birthday is five days away)

I stopped on the rooftop and looked at the Eiffel Tower.  It was getting dark enough that all of the lights were turning on, making the scenery breathtaking to look at from high enough.  I sighed softly, sitting on the edge of the building I was on. A soft ‘thud’ from behind me, accompanied by the reek of camembert, said that Chat had joined me for tonight’s patrol.  Though I had my belief that Chat had bugged LB with no end to assign me to run with him, again I might add, I wasn’t really up for arguing with him about it this time. “I see you’ve settled down already m’lady.”  Chat purred, sitting beside me. I rolled my eyes. “And I see you still haven’t gotten the hint to cut it with that name.” I retorted. Chat constantly calling me ‘his lady’ was having less and less of the effect of making me mad, and more… I didn’t know what it was turning into, just that it wasn’t anger anymore.  “Anything happen while the cat had been away?” Chat asked. I shrugged. “Not really.” I answered. I looked at the cars on the road, thinking about my parents. They’d been coming back into ,y thoughts more and more each day. What had they been doing when they were shot? Had they been worried about me and b/n, or just doing whatever job they had?  Had they cared it was my birthday? Were they planned targets? Two of hundreds of people that were killed in some large scale massacre? Thousands? Was it even part of a massacre? Or were they just two random people who just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time? “Is something wrong mon loup?” Chat asked. I didn't realize tears had started to fall.  I nodded slowly. “I’m fine.” I whined softly. “No you’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t be crying.” Chat commented. “Then why would you ask if I was okay when I’m clearly not?!” I half growled, even though I could still feel tears falling slowly. Chat held one hand up slowly, like he didn't know what to do. I took a breath. “I’m here if you want to talk, you know that.”  He said gently. I shook my head slowly. I couldn’t say anything, it would reveal more clues as to who I was outside of being Starfire. That ‘dream’ I had with Hawkmoth still was on my mind. Master Fu had tried to assure me that it was just a dream based off of my fears. I wanted to believe him, I really did, but the dream had felt too real for it to have been completely made up.

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