-Afraid of Losing You Part 2-

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Hey :) it's me, your extremely absent Timmy fan fix writer. Coming to u with an update after almost a year of being off line. If you've been following me since the beginning, you know how inspired & happy I was with this book. I updated regularly & gained a lot of following throughout the years. But since 2020, things were just kinda getting busier and then life hit. The last chapter ever published of this book was an update regarding my boyfriend; he was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. I didn't really know that the following time after that would hit so hard, but it did. It has been immensely difficult and I can't say I'm doing fantastic, but luckily he's on the road of recovery and slowly but surely we're able to look into the future again. Any questions I'm happy to answer, so please do ask them if you're interested! Thank u for being the amazing support and as my way of saying thank u, here's a new chapter!


''Ready to go, baby?'' Timothée fiddled with the strings of his hoodie while I came down the stairs.

Today was hopefully the last check up for a while. Can't say I was going to miss the trips to the hospital.

After his cancer diagnoses back in November 2020, things took a turn on our life.

''Ready for this shit to be over.'' Timothée mumbled. I chuckled; always so dry when it came to his disease. I didn't blame him though. His way of coping was better than mine and it seemed as if he had it all together.

I knew it hit him harder than he was showing, but I was happy I was finally getting my Timmy back after more than a year of fighting. He was ready to leave it all behind and so was I.

The way to the hospital was quiet but peaceful. A calm silence hung over us and either of us were content with not speaking. His nervousness sparked through sometimes, but whenever it did, he remembered he had nothing to fear. The treatment had worked from the beginning and he had been cancer free for a long time now. The check ups were merely to make sure they didn't miss any developments and to reassure us everything was fine

The playlist I made for him played silently in the background, but the noise of our breathing was what overruled. His hand was firmly gripped on my leg while the other was holding his phone and he was reading some news article from this morning. I was watching the road absently, mainly checking his every move to make sure he was okay.

He was; I hadn't seen him this calm in such a long time and it did me good. It did us good.

Our relationship was taken to a higher level after his diagnoses and we were forced to grow faster than we could comprehend. Living in a bubble for most of the time, reality only hit much later when it was time to move on. The situation had taken a toll on our relationship to the point where things weren't going well.

But we also grew past that and in the end, everything that had happened had made us stronger.

When we pulled up to the hospital, our automatic pilots turned on and we were in and out in a rush. The conversation with the doctor, the drawing of his blood and the last bone marrow biopsy were only a haze and before we knew it, we were back in the car. Hopefully not seeing this place for the next couple of months.

Now it was waiting for the results and hoping everything looked perfect.

''U okay, baby?'' I spoke when we got home. He nodded, not really keen on talking right now. He needed a little time for himself and I understood not to ask any questions. He was usually in a bit of a mood when coming back from the hospital, but that wouldn't take too long. He usually went to play some games on his phone or rest a little, and most of the time I joined him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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