-the good life-

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''Mommy!'' My little girl ran up to me while
I had barely entered the house.

Timmy stood in the hallway and watched how I picked up our daughter gently.

I laid a kiss on her head and with her still in my arms I walked to Timmy and kissed him on his lips.

We entered the living room and I set down Y/D/N (your daughters name). She squealed and ran to her toys, which she played happily with.

I smiled at her.

She was absolutely breathtaking.

Timmy wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

''How was your day?'' He asked while he kissed my nose.

I smiled at the sweet gesture and kissed his nose back.

''It was fine. Busy, really busy. We're working on this new project to help companies rebuild their succes.'' He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled.

''Damn. Well I think they can't do all of that without you.'' He stated. I smiled.


The rest of the night we spent playing with our girl until she had to go to bed.

Timmy picked her up in a swift motion and my daughter waved at me as she got carried out of the room.

I heard her giggle and heard the distinct voice of Timmy talking to her.

He was by far one of the best dads I'd ever seen. He was so sweet and caring and whenever he was around Y/D/N he would only have eye for her, making sure she was safe.

I got up and walked upstairs to her room. I stood in the doorway as watched Timmy lay her in bed gently. He kissed the top of her head and her cheeks, spoiling her with the love he was feeling.

He then said his goodbyes and she went to sleep peacefully.

He walked up to me and watched me observe our little one.

''She's beautiful, isn't she?'' I said. I smiled.

Just a smile in particular.

I was so happy, I was living the good life I always wanted.

''Yeah She is, just like her mother.'' I looked at him and grabbed his hand sweetly.

''I love you.'' I said.

''I love you too.''


Short one, but really cute.

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