-Not Jealous, Just Insecure-

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Timothée and I had been dating for a while now, but I'd never met his friends. We had agreed to go see her this evening, but something had come in between it on my side and I had to cancel.

''Babe, it's fine. I can meet her another time. I know you haven't seen her for a long time.'' His best friend, Brianna, and him were like brother and sister, but because of corona and me, they hadn't seen each other since March. Although he insisted on rescheduling, I told him it was fine.

''Yes I know, it's just that I really want you to come.'' I found it a bit weird on why he was dying for me to join them, but I didn't really think anything of it until he had come back and dropped, accidentally, the name of his ex girlfriend, also known as Brianna'a best friend, Elizabeth.

''Why didn't you tell me she was there too?'' I knew they hadn't spoken since things ended between them. I didn't know if she was still a threat to our relationship, but I figured she wouldn't be if they weren't in contact with one another.

I was feeling hurt, and angry too, for him keeping something this big from me.

''I didn't think it would be a problem. We had agreed on staying friends. Why are you making such a big deal out of this?'' He could be very insensitive at times. I had no reason or desire to be jealous, but because I didn't know her and because he occasionally still talked about her, I felt more insecure about my position and whether he thought I was as good as her.

''You knew it would make me feel uncomfortable any way, but keeping it from me is worse than telling me because now it seems as if you still have feelings for her. Why else would you lie about it?'' I could've been reasonable, but I had respect for myself and standing up for me was better than staying quiet.

He sighed deeply, thinking hard about what he was going to say to not anger me even more. I knew deep down he'd choose me over her, and that I shouldn't feel bad about them meeting up, but to me it was the way he so easily and careless met up with her without thinking about my feelings. Call me a girl for overthinking this too much, but I knew he wouldn't like it either if I met up with friends and my ex would so happen to join us.

''Baby, listen. I'm sorry for not telling you, but to me it isn't a big deal. It shouldn't be to you either.'' I had my arms crossed and my eyebrows raised at his lame apology.

''Well, it is a big deal to me. You met up with your ex girlfriend without me knowing and yes, that makes me feel bad. I'm sorry for being human, Timothée.'' I responded bitterly.

''Look, I don't care about her. Yes, I should've told you and yes, maybe it wasn't the best thing to do, but there's nothing between us and I don't feel anything for her anymore.'' He pleaded, his eyes wide and full of regret.

''Then why do you still talk about her sometimes?''

''Because I was hurt after we broke up, and I'm human too so talking about it is the only way to get it out of my mind. Obviously, since you've been around, I haven't been thinking about her like that, but don't tell me you don't think about the way your ex treated you. I know you do. But I don't worry either because I know you would choose me. Just like I would choose you.'' It was silent for a while. We were both going over the conversation, hoping someone would talk first.

''I know you feel insecure and that you're confused, but you're the only one for me, Y/N. You need to know that- that I love you. I'm desperately in love with you and though this shouldn't have been the moment to tell you, I'm choosing to let you know now. I love you, Y/N.'' I looked up into his beautiful eyes to see admiration and the exact love he was talking about.

I had been the one to say it first, but I told he didn't have to say it back that night if he didn't feel the same. Of course it had bothered me, but I didn't want him to feel like he had to rush his feelings. I wasn't going to be that person.

To hear him say those three, meaningful words at last, I knew he meant them.

''When did you know?'' I said, a small smile dancing on my lips while I held his hand. His other hand was carefully placed on the small of my back and his lips were only inches away from mine.

''I knew long before you said it. I just needed to be sure. And now I am. I want you, only you, forever.''


Ya girl is finding her inspiration back!!! To anyone that has sent me a message about a request for this book; I currently don't take requests but I'm planning on opening the request box soon. For now, you can all enjoy my own thought chapters.

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