-Daddy? Daddy!-

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For @bellabaratta , hope u like it!❤️


''You know what, fine. Leave. Go live your fucking life and leave your girlfriend and your unborn child behind.'' And he did. With no words he left, like I had demanded.

It was four years later. I now had a beautiful girl.

Hannah reminded me of him, yet I tried to ignore it and see all the good things in her.

''Allie, just give her some water before bed and make sure she's peed. If there's any trouble, please try to fix it yourself and if you can't, please call me.'' I said anxiously.

It was the third babysitter already in 3 months and I was afraid something bad would happen, again.

''Of course Ms. Y/L/N.'' She said with a small smile.

She seemed nice, not too old but still experienced with kids.

''Good night, Allie.'' I said before giving my babygirl a kiss in her head.

I then walked to the hallway and put on my coat before leaving the house and getting to my car.

This was the first date night in a really long time. Mostly because of Hannah, but also because I didn't feel like dating.

Today I was meeting with some guy I met on tinder. We were suppose to go to a tiny restaurant in town, but when I got there, and I was already late, he wasn't there as well.

Annoyed I took a seat on one of the benches outside the restaurant and waited impatiently on my date.

He never showed.

I sighed, got up and got to the nearest bar with the thought of getting completely wasted.

''One shot, please.'' The bartender smiled and poured in a little glass with vodka.

''Rough day?'' He asked, as he took time to observe me. I did as well.

He had dark, mid length hair and beautiful eyes that seemed to change color in different lighting. His name tag read 'Timothée'.

''More like rough life.'' I answered as I ordered another shot. Within ten seconds it was already gliding down my throat again. I ordered another one and another one until I felt completely zoned out and wasted.

''You might wanna stop it there. You still have to go home.'' He said with a concerned look on his face. I shrugged, shotting another shot.

''You're not my dad. I can do whatever I want.'' I said annoyed. He chuckled and sat down next to me.

''So why's your life rough?'' I raised my eyebrows drunkenly and giggled while I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

''Well, that's a looooong story, and it's really sad. It's a mood killer, you might not want to hear it.'' I said as I pinched his hand lightly.

''Well, I wouldn't ask if I didn't. Fire away.'' I shrugged and started telling about how my ex boyfriend had left me with an unborn child. How I had to take care of her with only a little money in a small house.

I only realized how pathetic I sounded when I was done.

''I'm so sorry.'' He simply said.

"It's okay. Let's talk about you now. What's your story?" I asked, feeling less drunk now I got my story of my back.

"I used to be an actor, but because I made some mistakes I didn't get cast anymore. So I moved back to my home town and started living a normal life." He sighed. I looked at him, instantly recognizing him.

"Timothée Chalamet. Yeah, I've seen one of your movies. Life sucks. Can I have another drink?" He shook his head and took my hand instead, pulling me up and leading me to a little less crowded spot.

He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked at me intently.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly. I nodded and brought my head closer to his. He did the same until our lips touched.

The kiss was passionate and it felt fimiliar, like I had already kissed him before. It was weird and yet so nice at the same time. Our lips molded together like we were meant to be.

I pulled at the hem of his shirt, but he stopped me and stepped back.

"Not tonight. You at least deserve a proper bed." He said chuckling. I smiled softly and kissed him again.

"Let's get you home." He said after a few seconds. I nodded and walked outside, followed by Timothée. We walked to my car and he got in the drivers seat, I got in the passenger seat and we drove home in silence.

"Wait, how are you gonna get home?" He shrugged at my question.

"I'll walk or something." He replied like it was no big deal.

"No, at least let me offer you a place to sleep. It's late and it's far to town." I said concerned.

He smiled and nodded in approval.

After another ten minutes we arrived at my house and got in.

I said to Allie that she could go home and gave her the money. She left with no questions and left us be.

"Good night." I said after I made up the bed in the guestroom. He kissed my cheek and said good night back. I smiled before exiting the room and walking to my own.

I stopped by my daughter's room and peeked around the door to see her sleep peacefully.

For the first time in a very long time I felt better than okay, like the lost piece in my heart was finally found again.

2 years later

"Timmy, do you wanna play outside?" Hannah asked sweetly as she looked up to Timmy.

After we met in the bar, we decided we would get to know each other. We fell in love and moved in together, with much liking of Hannah. They were a match made in heaven, and so were Timmy and I. Although we hadn't dated for that long, I felt like this was something for long term.

"Mommy, look. I'm flying." I heard my daughter yell from outside. I walked outside and saw Timmy flying her through the air.

I smiled at the sight of it.

He put her down and walked up to me, kissing my lips softly. I felt Hannah clamp herself to our legs. She looked up with a disgusted face, making me smile.

Timmy picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Are you gonna marry my mommy? Then you can be my daddy!" I raised my eyebrows but Timmy simply chuckled.

"Would you want that?" He asked with a smile on his face. Hannah nodded and his smile turned even brighter.

He put her down, grabbed something from his pocket and got on one knee. I held my breath, blinked a few times and tried to feel if this was real or just a dream.

"I already have Hannah's approval, I only need your answer. Y/N, I love you with all my heart and I would never hurt you. Will you, Y/F/N, do me the honor of making you my wife?" A tear slipped down my cheek.

"Yes." I said breathlessly. He got up and put the ring around my finger. I smiled, he smiled and Hannah smiled.

"I love you."


Sorry for being so inactive. I really don't have inspiration. I'm gonna try to be more active, but I can't make any promises. It makes me happy you still read and vote, thank you for that.

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