-The Servant part 2 • King Henry -

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When I came to England in 1414, king Henry had only been on the throne for one year. Nevertheless, the achievements he'd already made were promising for his people.

I was a widow with two dead children, ready to start a new life as a royal servant. I hadn't any experience, but the royal house of England was scarily generous to take me in.

I loved my job, but that was mostly because of the king himself. Despite what anyone said about him, he was kind to me. I thought he loved me, too.

''You're new. Do introduce yourself, my dear.'' He'd first spoken to me in an abandoned hallway. I was speechless, not really understanding why he stopped to speak to me. The only thing I hoped that I wasn't going to get fired for speaking to his highness informally.

''I'm really not supposed to, your grace. I shall go now.'' I was already making my way towards the servant wing when his grace once again stopped me.

''I demand you answer when I ask you something.'' It should've terrified me, but I was everything but terrified. He intrigued me. No one ever really bothered to ask, and though I knew it was all meant for pure pleasure, it sounded like he was really interested.

My husband was only my husband because I'd fallen pregnant after he raped me. Since he was not married yet, and I was going to be bearing his child, our families decided that it was best if I became his wife. I was happy he only gave me two children.

I never loved him, nor my daughters, because every time I looked at them, all I felt was pain. When my husband and children all died shortly after each other, I ran away.

And now I was here, talking to the king of England himself.

''I-I'm Y/F/N, your grace. Do forgive me for being rude. I didn't mean t-to ignore you- I was just a bit stunned you'd ever be speaking to me.'' Trying not to sound too much like a moron, I stammered my way through my answer, and he seemed more than pleased. Luckily.

''That's a beautiful name, my dear. How come I've never seen such a beautiful lady like you before?'' God if he could just stop talking and let me get back to my duties, was all I could think.

''I've only started as a servant very recently. Do forgive me for breaking off this conversation, but I need to get back to doing my job. I still have a lot to do.'' I smiled, bowed the most elegant yet clumsy bow I could and left without another word. Henry didn't seem pleased but all I cared for was not losing the only chance I had to better my life.

When the other staff members and I were eating our dinner after a long day of hard work, I was interrupted by the kings chamber maid.

''Your presence is requested by his grace. And hurry, he doesn't like waiting.'' I hadn't even finished half of my plate of food and with an almost empty stomach, I made my up to his chamber. I wondered what he wanted.

''Good evening, your highness. What may I do for you?'' I bowed again, keeping my eyes set on the marble floor. He was dressed in only his robe and on his head was his overly dramatic crown.

''Y/F/N. I requested you here because I want to punish you for running off on me this afternoon. I think I demanded a conversation and you did not obey my orders, did you now?'' I gulped. God, was I gonna get in some trouble.

My eyes grew wider as I stumbled backwards to the door, only to find it had been locked by one of the guards. I dove in a corner and slipped on my knees, silently begging him not to kill me.

His figure hovered over me intimidatingly, showing no mercy as he dragged me by hair to his bed. This was it. I was going to die.

''Don't be afraid, we're just going to have a little fun.'' His hand wrapped tightly around my throat as a smirk took over his lips. I gasped lightly when his hand came down on my now exposed ass. His touch left a tingling sensation that I didn't find myself hating as much as I wanted. But I needed to get out of there, no matter how much I wanted to stay to see how this would end.

''Your grace, please. I'm begging you. Let me go. I promise I won't ever disobey you again.'' I pleaded, tears welling up in my eyes as we stared at each other intensely.

''But don't you see that I want you. I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N.'' Well, then why the hell did he just hit me?!

''Please, it's late. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I promise I'll see you in the morning.'' He sighed in defeat, but let go of the instantly and waved me away. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding, feeling relieved the night didn't end with bloody murder.

''I expect you in my room first thing tomorrow morning. If you're not there, I'll come and find you myself.'' It wasn't particularly intimidating, but I knew not to mess up tomorrow or else.

When the sun rose that next day, I found myself tiptoeing towards his grace's room, trying to avoid any encounters with the other maids and servants. He was still peacefully asleep when the guards let me in, so I took a seat next to his bed and watched him carefully until he woke up.

He was delighted to see me, he said. And happy I'd listened to his orders for once. I giggled at that particular part, feeling rather aroused at the thought of him being pleased by me.

''Where do you come from, my love?'' And so we spent hours talking while we slowly moved closer towards each other. When I left, I left with a tender kiss on his lips and a small, seductive smile I knew he couldn't resist.

''Come to my room at midnight.'' He whispered in my ear before closing the thick wooden door. The chill I felt through my body was one of lust and desire. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

The day went by painfully slow, and the occasional glances he gave me when we passed, or the light graze of his fingers against my skin every so often made me burst with flames.

''Where are you off to?'' Mary, the head maid asked suspiciously when I snuck out of my room. She'd run into me as she was walking towards her own room.

''The king requested my presence in his chamber, madam.'' She frowned lightly before a small, devious smile danced on her lips.

''You better be careful, Y/N. His grace loves to play with feelings and before you know it, you're going to be just another victim of his affection.'' I knew she was right, but she was wrong to pry into my business. She knew nothing about my own intention.

I didn't even know what my intentions were.

All I knew is that, as I was walking to his room, tonight there was going to happen far more than just a conversation.

I was dressed in my nightgown and had topped it off with a beautiful silk robe that was tightly tied around my waist. When I entered, the gleam in his eyes was more than visible as he scanned me from head to toe.

''Y/N, you look remarkably stunning.'' He breathed as he walked closer to me slowly. His hand grabbed onto my waist lightly, and out of reflex I shuddered and took a step back.

My trauma really got the best of me sometimes.

''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that- I'm not particularly good at physical contact like that. You see, my husband- oh never mind.'' He probably didn't care much for the information so I shut my mouth and waited for him to do something.

''Oh love, don't worry. I'll treat you only good. Let me show you what love can be like.''


Ew the ending was horrible. I'm pretty excited about this storyline. Let me know what you think.

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