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''Are you ready?'' I asked Timmy excitingly while jumping around.

''Yeah...'' He answered absently minded.

Today was the day I had been waiting for ever since I bought the tickets.

The Shawn Mendes concert!!!

Shawn Mendes was my idol ever since Handwritten had come out and today I was finally gonna see him in real life.

Timmy however, wasn't excited at all.

''Let's go, lets go, let's go.'' I said as I ran to the car. Timmy walked slowly after me and got in the drivers seat.

''Can you put on his music?'' I asked, not getting enough of Shawn's music.

''No.'' He said annoyed as he watched the road intently.

I pouted and reached for the stereo myself, but got stopped by Timmy's hand forcefully jerking my hand away.

''Jesus Tim, calm the fuck down.'' He didn't say anything back, just focused on the road again with a frown.

I rolled my eyes and began singing the songs myself.

After a drive for what felt like ages, we finally reached the venue where Shawn was going to perform.

I had managed to get the best tickets on some cheap website and I was beyond excited that Shawn was gonna be so close to me.

I had forced Timmy to go with me, and after trying to convince him for days he had finally agreed.

However, now when the day had come, I wished I had gone with my best friend.

''C'mon.'' I grabbed Timmy's hand and pulled him with me as I ran excitedly towards the entree.

After we'd showed our tickets and found our spots, we only had to wait til Shawn came up.

We talked a bit, but Timmy was being extremely stubborn and annoying, so I decided to just make new friends while Timmy played a game on his phone.


After an hour or so, the concert finally started and the whole crowd went crazy as Shawn appeared. I screamed too, not caring about my voice.

''Hey guys, how're you doing tonight?'' I screamed again. Timmy rolled his eyes and in- and exhaled deeply through his nostrils.

I couldn't quite catch why he was being like this, but it was extremely difficult to cope with and I was kind of sick of just ignoring it.

Shawn started playing his guitar, a tune I immediatly recognized.

I sang along with the touching lyrics and enjoyed the voice of this man on stage.


''It was so amazing. I swear I'm gonna marry this kid.'' I joked, to lighten the mood a bit.

It only had a different effect then I had hoped and shortly after I got pushed in the backseat of the car harshly and kissed completely out of nowhere.

I was taken aback by Timmy's actions, but quickly restored myself and worked with him.

He undressed me and himself hungrily, wasting no time.

He didn't bother and skipped the foreplay, immediatly, sliding in with no warning.

His thrust were nowhere near gentle, he was rough, but I liked it.

''Fuck. Make me come.'' I whined as moans escaped my lips uncontrollably.

''Yeah, you like that huh? You think I can make you scream harder than that prick up there on that stage?'' I blinked a few times, processing his words.

I laughed.

He was jealous.

I pushed him off of me as I couldn't contain my laughter.

''You're jealous.'' It was more a statement than a question, but he answered anyway.

''No.'' He said stubbornly.

''Okay maybe a bit, but it's just not fair.'' He said shortly after.

I chuckled and pulled him closer.

''Don't be. I want you, only you. I'm yours as long as you want me to.'' He looked up to me and came in for a passionate kiss.

''Let's go home and finish what we started, shall we.'' I nodded and put on my clothes, while he did the same.

''I still can't believe you got jealous.'' I chuckled. He rolled his eyes.

''Shut up, will you.'' But his lips were slightly curled upwards.

''I like it.'' I said as I smirked. ''You should be it more often.'' He shook his head and smiled.

''Just as long as you know you're mine.''


Admit it, we all love jealous Timmy.

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