-break up-

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We need to talk. Can I come by your house around seven?

I knew exactly what he was going to say.

I felt it too.

It wasn't because we were in a bad place.

We just weren't in love anymore, not like we used to do.

A little to seven he stopped by.

''Hey.'' I greeted.

''Hi.'' He greeted back.


''It's okay Timmy. I know what you're going to say.'' I smiled lightly, but tried to fight my tears.

''I still love you though.'' He stated. I nodded.

''And I still love you too, I'll always will. But not in that way anymore, and that's okay.'' He nodded, I saw him struggling to hold back his tears too.

''Well, I guess this is good bye then.'' He said as his voice broke slightly.

I agreed.

He turned around and walked away.

Away from me.

Out of my life.


Awe, this one's too sad, I'm sorry.

Q: What's the worst breakup you've ever had?

A: I recently dumped my ex-boyfriend via whatsapp. Even though I broke up with him, it still hurts like shit. I still love him and I hate myself for it...

Timothée Chalamet ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now