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''Timothée, Y/N, it's absolutely delightful to have you here. How are you two today?'' The interviewer asked and smiled at us.

All day we were having interviews, talking about our new film and it was exhausting. We were now starting with our last interview before heading home.

Timmy laid his hand over mine and smiled brightly.

''I'm fine, thank you.'' He said. I nodded in agreement.

''So, we're going to talk about your new movie, Hide 'n Seek. Honestly such a great film and a really good chemistry. Y/N, tell me something about it.'' I grinned and let go of Timmy's hand.

''Well, this movie is about a girl named Macy, who I play. She is in her last year of high school and she is basically an outcast. She has a never ending feud with the popular bad guy Leo, who is played by Timothée.'' I took a sip of my water before continuing.

''They hate each other's gut, but we all know that love and hate don't lie far from each other. After they get paired up for a chemistry project they are forced to work together and once they get to know each other they fall in love. They are really different and the social pressure is really big so it's kind of a question whether their love will survive, but it's definetly worth watching because it's a really relatable movie.'' I said excitedly. Timmy grabbed my hand again and pinched it lightly.

''And Timothée, how was it working with the beautiful Y/N?'' He tensed slightly beside me, but kept smiling like nothing was going on.

''Well it's funny, cause I already knew her so we didn't meet for the first time, but it was wonderful. She is so inspiring and caring and she's honestly one of the nicest people I've worked with.'' He looked at me and smiled cheekily, but his jaw was still tense and and his grip on my hand was tight.

''Well, at first we didn't like each other that much, probably because we were intimidated by each other's acting, but throughout the filming we really fell for each other. That's also how we managed to really bring the chemistry between our characters alive.'' I said while chuckling.

''That's awesome. I honestly think that everyone would want to be in your place, Timothée. Y/N is just so beautiful. You guys aren't dating right? Because if that were true, I would be thrilled to go out with you sometime, Y/N.'' Timmy's face fell once he realized the interviewer, I believe his name was Marcus, was flirting with me.

The rest of the interview Timmy was silent and stiff while Marcus and I were flirting.

Once the interview was over, Timmy dragged me out by my arm to the car.

''Timmy calm down, we were just joking around.'' I commented.

His behavior was way out of perspective and it was getting annoying.

''You're fucking mine.'' He said while he pushed me in the back of the car.

''Timmy we're not even dating.'' I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me.

His actions softened.

''Don't you want to?'' He asked. I thought for a second.

''Maybe.'' I smirked.

His eyes darkened and soon his lips were on mine. His lips moved to my neck.

''Y/N, I want you.'' He breathed against my neck.

I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him hungrily.

''But I don't want to take you here. You deserve so much better than how people treat you. I was gonna punch that fucking prick if I could.'' Timmy said angrily. I chuckled and hugged him.

''Let's go home.'' I said.

And we did and had the most passionate nights of our lives.


Lol this one sucked, I'm sorry. I don't really have inspiration today because I need to study really hard for my test week. Ugh.

Oh And fun fact, the story (Hide 'N Seek) is actually a new book of mine. So please go check that out!

If you did like it, please VOTE and COMMENT what you think!

Q: what's your fave Timmy movie?

A: I love CMBYN and Lady bird, but I think Hot Summer Nights is gonna be awesome too.

Love you guys.

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