-Young Love-

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Timothée and I had been friends for a long time. Since kindergarten, in fact. I'd always had a small crush on him, but never acted on it since I was young and didn't understand my feelings.

When we were twelve, I finally confessed what I had been feeling for him all those years, and I was happy when I found out he liked me back.

But, again, we were young and didn't understand what it was between us. People called it young love, and maybe it was, but at the time it didn't feel like it. And it still doesn't.

We grew apart because of those feelings, because we didn't know how to handle our friendship now that love was involved. Dating at such a young age wasn't an option, it would've only put a label on us and we both didn't want that. It would've been just like a friendship, only more awkward and fidgety. We thought we could overcome those feelings, but that never happened.

Our conversations turned into shallow hello's and good bye's in the school hallway. Our interest shifted and we both grew fond of other things.

But he never left my mind. It wasn't because I still loved him, or perhaps I still did a little (though, I would never admit that), but because he changed my view on the subject of love and he carved out my innocence and took it with him.

I couldn't place those thoughts or memories, so I tried to forget about him and eventually he slipped out of my mind, becoming just a stranger I once cherished with everything I had.

After all, we were just kids in love who would never be the same after that.


Timothée Chalamet ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now