Matthew Espinosa Imagine

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You roll to the other side of your bed as you hear your phone ringing. "Hey, so you're coming to the movies or not?" your friend asks once again, even though you said you didn't feel like it. "It'll only be a few hours. I'll buy you ice cream?" she keeps trying to convince you.

"Alright then" you groan into the phone. "See you in an hour" you friend replies cheerfully before hanging up. Great, you mumble to yourself and get up. Slowly you walk into the bathroom, fixing your appearance. You change into something else and grab your essentials, throwing them into your bag.

You hear her car pull by and hurry outside, jumping to your seat. "C'mon, at least try to look excited for me" she groans looking at your bored expression. You lightly shake your head but let out a laugh. She smiles proudly and turns the music louder.

Soon enough you arrive to the movies. You jump off the seat, straightening your clothes and running a hand through your hair. You let the sun shine on your skin for a moment before following your friend and stepping in.

You gaze around the theater, scanning the people and looking at movie posters. In the corner of your eye you can see a croup of boys, possibly around your age. Your friend soon notices where you're looking and joins you.

"Pretty good looking, huh?" she asks, nodding her head towards them. You giggle and nod your head as well. Before you can turn away, one of them looks towards you two. He smiles at you widely and you quickly turn around, blushing as you just got caught.

Your friend goes to buy your tickets as you scan through the snacks, occasionally paying attention to the trailers playing on the TV-screens. As the line for the tickets seems to speed up, you grab a drink and popcorn, turning around to go to your friend.

You feel your shoulder bump into someone and you almost lose your balance. Your drink falls of your hand but in a second someone has grabbed it and saved it from falling to the ground. You look up to see the guy you saw just minutes ago.

"Oh, hey. And sorry" you blunt out, soon chuckling at your awkwardness. "That's alright, my bad for not looking where I was walking" he replies. For a few seconds you both just stare at each other. The moment is soon interrupted by one of the guys calling for him.

"Umm, I should get going" he says. You simply nod, smiling at him. He looks at you one last time before turning around and walking away. You rush to the line only to be greeted by your friend raising her eyebrows. "What was that?" she asks while grinning at you. "Uh, nothing. Just bumped into him" you confess laughing lightly.

You get your tickets and make your way to the movie before it starts. She takes a hold of your hand, guiding you to the seats she wanted. You settle yourself down as she keeps going on and on about something. Right before the lights go off, you catch a glimpse of the guy a few rows down. He can't see you but still somehow and unusual smile curves your lips.

After the movie ends, you both get up, making your way out of the theater pretty fast, thanks to the empty row. You stretch a little, sharing your opinions about the movie. You're just about to step out as you feel a hand on your shoulder.

You turn around, seeing the very same guy standing behind you. "Hey, again. I just, uh, wanted to ask for your number" he says chuckling to himself. As you just stare at him confused, he quickly adds "I mean if that's okay".

"Yeah, of course" you finally reply, taking the phone he's handing and typing in your number. "I'll call you" he lightly says as you're about to leave. You can see his friends laughing and nudging his shoulder as he smiles to himself.

"Umm, did that just really happen or am I dreaming?" you ask your friend who's already looking at you giggling. "You're a one lucky girl. This just shows that you should always say yes to my suggestions" she replies slyly. You roll you eyes, smiling widely.

Requested by @AmberRosado0 x

Sorry about this little unplanned break - I've had a lot going on but from now on I should have more time plus I'm feeling more inspired to write. I'll try my best to get the rest of the requests up soon, sorry about the long wait! Also I edited a few chapters on 'In The Moment' and unpublished one to rewrite since I just felt like I could do better x

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