Shawn Mendes Imagine

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You take a one last look in the mirror, fixing your outfit before grabbing your bag and heading out where Shawn's already waiting for you. The sun is shining brightly and you step into the car gladly, feeling the cooler air blow onto your skin. "Hey, how's it going?" you greet him. You two have been friends for a while but lately you haven't seen much since he has been busy with music and all.

"I'm good, thanks. You?" he asks as he speeds up and starts driving towards a beach you used to always go. You catch up on everything while looking at the same familiar view you've seen a million times before.

"Must be great travelling so much; seeing new places and people" you say, sighing as you do so. He simply nods his head, looking like he's deep in his own thoughts. Without even noticing, he starts humming along to the song playing on the radio, making you smile as you look at him. He looks so happy.

Soon enough you're there. He takes a bag and a blanket from the back of his car before running after you. You head to a park next to the lake, settling down under a huge tree. He sets up some picking stuff he has brought with him.

"So, tell me, do you ever miss just being home?" you ask, picking back up where you left. He looks towards the lake, seeming thoughtful. "Yeah I do, I miss my family and friends" he admits. "I'm honestly so jealous of you" "Why would you be jealous of me?" "You're not stuck in just one place" you reply like it's more than obvious.

He lets out a little laugh and looks at you. You start to blush and look at the ground giggling lightly. "What?" you question as he keeps staring. "Nothing, you're beautiful".

"Umm, I was thinking.." he starts and you instantly get nervous because of the tone in his voice. "I was wondering if you'd like to tour with me for a while?" he adds, making you gasp excitedly. Your loss at words over the excitement but he reads it differently.

"I mean just a few shows if you're busy. Obviously you can say no too!" "Are you kidding me? Of course I'll come!" you squeal excitedly, hugging him tightly.

He looks relieved as he laughs at your reaction. "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me. Love you" you playfully state, still hanging onto his neck. "Not a problem, my pleasure having your company" he says back.

"I hope this isn't going to make you change your decision or anything but there's something I've been wanting to say for a while now" he starts, looking nervous once again. You can butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Could it be..

"Uh I really like you. You know, more than just as a friend" he confesses. An even wider smile appears on your face as you hear those words. "I like you too Shawn, you know I do". He looks at you between his lashes, both of you just waiting for him to ask the question.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks and you can tell he's just as happy as you are. "A million times yes" you reply laughing. He pulls you back into his arms and this time you don't pull away. You can't believe you'll get to travel with him; see all the places you've only dreamt of seeing.

Requested! For some reason this really reminds me of the first imagines I ever wrote haha, not sure if that's good or bad.. Anyways talk to me people; I really love talking to all of you so don't hesitate to leave me a message x

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