Cute Moments Part. 2 | Short Imagines

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|| He's driving and you're both singing along to music. He takes your hand, looks you into the eyes and smiles. He holds it for the rest of the ride. Every now and then he has to use both of his hands and he makes sure to kiss your hand before letting it go.

|| It's late night and you're laying down stargazing. You're cuddled up on his chest and he's running his fingertips on your skin sending you shivers. He's quietly humming some song and you feel so safe in his arms.

|| You're both jumping on trampoline hand in hand laughing hard. Soon you both fall down you laying on top of him. You look into each others eyes laughing slightly out of breath. He places his hand on your neck and pulls you closer for a kiss.

|| It's raining outside so you're just laying down watching movies. Suddenly he pulls you up and starts leading you outside in the cold rain. You try to pull back but he's strong and you have no choice but to follow him. Getting soaking wet and cold is totally wort kissing in the rain. You two end up running around in the raining kissing each other and laughing.

|| You've been outside all day and you're getting really tired. You lean on him and he has he's arm around you. He picks you up and you think he's going to carry you inside. But no. Soon you find yourself from the pool soaking wet with all of your clothes on. "Still tired?" says winking and jumps there with you.

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