Sammy Wilk Imagine

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The comfortable feeling of hot water running down your back made you feel relaxed. You were over at your boyfriend's place and needed to take a shower after a long day.

As you were finished you stepped out of the steamy shower only to notice your towel wasn't where it usually was. You searched the bathroom for a towel but didn't find one.

"Sammy?" you called out shivering from the cold air on your bare body. You waited a while but he did not answer. "Sam, babe!" you tried again. Still no answer. I guess there's only way way to do this, you thought to yourself and opened the door.

You left a trail of wet footsteps behind you as you made your way to his room. You found him focused on a game he was playing. He still didn't notice you as you shyly waved your hand. "Sammy!" you said walking towards him.

Slowly he turned his head. As he saw your naked body his jaw dropped. "Uh-h yea?" he mumbled not even bothering to cover the stares. "Can I have a towel?" you asked. A familiar smirk grew on his face and he bit his lower lip. No matter how many times he did that it still made you melt.

"Yeah baby" he said getting up and walking towards you. He placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you closer. You blushed and looked down. "Baby girl" he whispered and hooked a finger under your chin to lift your face back up. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips making you completely melt under his touch.

Let me know if you want longer imagines, I just love these shorter ones and they're simply so easy to write x

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