Your First Date | Preferences

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Nash: You would go to the movies, followed by a walk on the beach under the moonlight, just talking about everything.

Cam: He'd take you to an amusement park, and after that you'd just hang around eating ice cream.

Carter: You spend the night at your favorite artist's concert and after that go for a pizza.

Matt: You two would hang on the beach, playing around and laughing to each others jokes.

Taylor: He'd take you to a restaurant and after that you just drive around all night, listening to music and watching the night lights.

Shawn: Shawn takes you to a park and you two enjoy your picnic as he plays his guitar.

Jack G: You went to a fair, tried all the rides and games as talked about everything.

Jack J: He'd take you to a cafe with a small band playing, and you'd just hanging there all night having fun.

Hayes: He took you to a sport event. You didn't understand much about it but he explained it all. and you had lots of fun.

Aaron: You went to a brunch at a small cute cafe. Cute boy and food, not bad right?

Sammy: He takes you bowling, and after that for ice cream. Laughter filled the air all along.

Dillon: You just play tourists in your own city which ends up being way more fun that you expected.

*Updated! Let me know what you think x

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