Honest Opinions

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Just thought I'd give you my honest opinions about each and everyone of the guys because why not?

Nash: You probably all know by now that he's my baby boy. I'm so proud of him and I'll most likely love him for the rest of my life even if he wouldn't be the main source of my feels haha. I'm happy people are starting to respect him more, and forgetting the hate and pointless mistakes he has apologized for. Oh, poetic last sentence.

Cam: Cam is exactly the kind of person who would be a perfect friend, boyfriend, husband and a dad. Oh, and can't forget his looks, like damn. He has a great personality and I feel like he's mature and he's able to find something positive in every situation.

Carter: In all honesty he has never been one of my absolute favorites, but I'm sick and tired of the hate he is getting. Like yeah, he has made mistakes but who hasn't? I have respect for him for dealing with all the negativity surprisingly well. I mean I would have probably said something even worse if I would get such a constant hate.

Matt: Matt has always been the funny and weird one, making me laugh with his pointless jokes. I think he has a lot of talent and I hope he finds a perfect way to use it, whatever that ends up being. Also mad respect for handling all the responsibility and hate so well, I have no idea how he does that.

Taylor: I love how he doesn't have the need to 'look good' on social media or change for anyone. He does what he wants, and doesn't give a damn about the hate. He's able to express himself, and his comebacks are always entertaining. All in all, I think he's kind-hearted, funny, talented, good looking and his cars.. Don't even get me started.

Shawn: I don't even know how to begin to tell how proud I am, and I know we all think the same way. It almost makes me tear up to think how far he has come and honestly he deserves this more than anything. I hope stays humble and keeps his own, unique style. I also have to mention his body..

Jack G: There's so much to say about this fella.. The body of an Greek sex god, the voice of an angel.. I hope people can grow to respect him and his choices because honestly what he does with his life is none of our business. I simply hope his happy, and I trust him to do so. He's just a young kid who's living his dream and doing the best he can, and that's it.

Jack J: Johnson honestly deserves all the happiness in the world. He's so talented I can only ever dream of anything like that. He, as well, deserves more respect, and I hope more people will start to realize how smart, talented and good looking he is. He's the kind of person I would love to be friends with, and I feel like I could trust him with anything.

Hayes: I think we all agree he's probably the hottest 14-year-old to walk on Earth. I hope he never feels any pressure to succeed the same way Nash has, but that he's able to do whatever he wants and enjoys without being compared to anyone else.

Aaron: In all honesty, I don't know much about Aaron but from what I do know, I think he's cute and he seems so sweet. He deserves more appreciation and I hope he succeeds in whatever he wants to do in life.

Jacob: Jacob, as well, has come far and I'm proud of him. He seems pretty down to earth, and I think he has taken all the hate and twitter arguments well. He's always so sweet to his fans and seems to treat everyone good.

Sammy: Everyone's a slut for Sammy, no need to deny it. Sometimes I have absolutely no idea what this fuckboy thinks he's doing but oh well, he's simply so hot yet cute that he can get away with anything. I love seeing him do what he enjoys, and being so happy. Probably no one gives me feels, makes me laugh and makes me annoyed like he does.

Dillon: I think Dillon needs more appreciation too. I can't wait to see what he has been cooking up in the studio, and I already I know I'll love it. He seems so chill and hype at the same time which I bet makes him the coolest friend.

Nate: Nate is honestly one of the most talented people I've ever come across. He's hot af and he never takes anything for granted which is definitely something special. I hope he goes far in life, and more people start to realize how crazy talented he is. I have no idea how me manages to be so damn hot and cute at the same time.

Kenny: Kenny, as well, is really talented. His voice is so beautiful and he's not too bad looking either. Judging by his tweets, he is really appreciative and he has good morals. I hope he achieves his dreams too.

If you haven't already, go check out a new chapter and the playlist I mentioned for Watch Me Burn. It's placed right after the Summary, and I might update it every now and then - hope you enjoy x

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