Your Hidden Skill | Preferences

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Nash: Nash and you were running some errands as a few of his fans came up to you. Everything went well but you could clearly see them struggling to find the right words. They started talking another language to each other, not knowing you understood it too. You automatically translated what they wanted to say, making both the girls and Nash confused. "You never told you speak other languages too?" Nash asked impressed as you made your way back home.

Cam: Drawing was a passion of yours but lately you hadn't had much time, so you decided to draw a little something. Later on that day Cam came up to you, your notebook in his hand. "These are yours, right?" "Uh, yeah" you admitted, not sure what he would say. "These are perfect, why did you never tell me you're so talented?" he asked, making you instantly smile proudly.

Matt: Matt and you were looking your old pictures from your computer since you didn't have much to do. He loved hearing your stories included in all these memories. As you came closer to newer ones, the quality and style changed. "Have you taken these?" he asked clearly impressed. As soon as he saw how good of a photographer you were - he asked you to do a little shoot with him.

Taylor: You searched for Taylor around the house, finally founding him in the garage. "What's wrong?" you asked as you saw him hitting the wall. "Mm, I don't know how to fix this thing" he replied pointing at his car. You walked towards it, starting to look for the problem yourself. "Hand me your tools" you commanded. He gave you an extremely questionable look but handed them to you anyways. Not soon till the problem was fixed and he got the engine running again. "How did you do that?" he asked, clearly confused. You shrugged it off, but ever since he always asked you to do all thing like that with him.

Shawn: You had always been complimented on your visual eye. You loved almost anything art related and anything you touched turned beautiful; your tumblr and instagram profile, your make up and outfits, even interior designing. You just had eye for that and everything matched together well. After realizing that he always asked for your help designing his cover imagines, editing any videos or deciding an outfit for something important.

Jack G: You were home alone, getting ready for the night out. You sang along to your favorite songs while finishing your make up, not paying attention on anything around you. As you heard a cough, you quickly turned around to see Jack leaning on the door frame. "You sound good. Like seriously why haven't you sang to me before?" he asked, making his way towards you. After hearing how good you can actually sing, he always made you sing with him.

Jack J: You loved writing; when the inspiration hit you, you could write straight up for hours. It made you feel good and relaxed, it was your happy place. One day Jack found your notebook, not believing his eyes as he read your texts. "Babe, why in the world haven't you told me you're this good?" he asked. From that moment on he always asked your opinion and help whenever he wrote songs.

Hayes: You were spending time with his family, currently watching them just throw a ball, not really even playing. "Hey, we should have a little game" his dad suggested, gaining excited yells from the guys. Soon you were in it, luckily in the same team as Hayes. You saw the ball coming towards you, but you just missed it. Hayes made you go after it, and you ran all the way to get it. As you came back they all complimented you on your running technique and how fast you were, Hayes instantly wanting to race you.

Aaron: You decided to surprise Aaron with a home made dinner. You absolutely loved to cook, and you were actually really good at it. "Hmm, smells good" he stated as he walked to the kitchen hour later. He wrapped his arms around you and noticed the plates you were now finishing. Already that impressed him, and after eating he was lost in words. "This was literally better than anything I've ever eaten" he complimented. After that he always asked you to cook instead of heading out to eat.

Jacob: "Will you be ready soon?" you impatiently asked him as you waited for him to finish something he was doing. He nodded at you, not paying much attention. You took his guitar and sat down in his room. Slowly you stared strumming in, focusing on remembering all the notes. Not even noticing, you started humming along. As you finished the song, you saw him staring at you dead silent. "Babe, that was good. I never knew you played guitar" he stated, sounding a bit offended. After that he loved to play with you, and teach you even more.

Sammy: You were chilling at the studio with Sammy and the other guys. While listening to the songs and fixing some details, someone decided to have a little dance battle. Before you even noticed, you were in it and actually winning. The guys cheered at you as you went in with your best moves, thanks to dancing for years. "Dang, you're good baby girl" Sammy cooed as you shot a proud smirk at him.

Dillon: You had done gymnastics when you were little, and now that you finally had some time, you decided to see if you could still do the same things. You cleared up some place in the living room and stretched before starting. To your surprise you still bend into the same positions and were able to do the same things. You were interrupted my Dillon clapping at you with a smirk on his face. "Looking good there girl".

Nate: "Come play with us" Nate asked as you just watched him and the guys play basketball. He got you to play, even though you were convinced you were not that good at it. As they game went on, you did score many times, making the guys shoot respecting looks towards you. "Babe, you were good. Why haven't you played with me before?" he asked, pulling you into his arms. From that moment on you played multiple times.

Kenny: You had played piano when you were younger, and as you played again, you noticed the talent hadn't left. You played on, focusing on the notes. Soon you felt an arm on your shoulder and looked up to see Kenny smiling at you widely. He sat down next to you and started playing with you. "You're good at this baby" he complimented, still surprised that you were so good.

Let me know your favorite ones, or the ones that match you the best x

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