Jack Gilinsky & Sammy Wilk Imagine

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Not any threesome shit, just an imagine about both of them liking you - also requested on tumblr x

"Bro, she's hot" Sammy stated while both of them eyed you up and down. "I know, right.." Jack agreed, all attention paid on your body. You were friends with both of them, not that close but enough to hang out and chat every now and then.

You could feel their eyes on you, a burning trace from your shiny hair down to your heels. Not going to lie; they were both definitely more than attractive, and the fact that they could feel the same way about you made your heart race. You tried your best to act natural and not let them know you noticed, and in fact enjoyed, the stares.

"The way she laughs.. I can only imagine those lips on mine" Jack drifted off. "Back off Gilinsky, I saw her first" "Are you kidding me, she'd choose me over you anytime.." Jack shoot back, straightening his back and running a hand through his hair. "If that's how you wanna play - we're on" Sammy said confident about himself.

They both looked at each for a moment before Sammy took action. Quickly he shifted next to you, and flashed his melting smile. "Hey baby, would you like a drink?" he offered. "Sure, why not". You smiled at him politely, and took in the handsome features while he ordered the drink for you. Unfortunately he caught you from the corner of his eye and chuckled, making a blush rise on your cheeks.

"Awh, no need to blush. Here's your drink". Obviously, that made you blush even more and you gladly took the drink to avoid having to say anything. He just smiled at you with a slight grin playing on his lips. Just as you were about to start a conversation, you two were interrupted.

"Sammy. What are you doing here, making a beautiful young lady feel so uncomfortable" Jack questioned, walking between the two of you and placing his hand on the back of your chair. Sammy glared at him, not in the nicest way possible, and now it was your turn to chuckle at them. "Boys, it's alright" you said smiling, turning their focus back on you.

Your heart raced from the sudden attention, and you tried to blow some cool air on your cheeks to get rid of the heat rising without anyone noticing. As all of they did was share glares towards each other, you raised your eyebrow questioningly. "So how's your night going?" Jack asked you, making Sammy roll his eyes.

"Good, thank you, just talking to Sammy here. Maybe going to catch up with a few friends later" "Sounds great. You look stunning tonight by the way" Jack replied, smiling widely. You just simply shook your head, laughing a little.

"Eh, I was just wondering if you'd like to go out sometimes?" Jack let out, making both you and Sammy stare at him surprised. "Umm" was all you had time to say before Sammy had to confess something too. "That's actually what I came here to do. To ask if you'd like to go out".

The guys had left you speechless, wondering how you could ever decide between them two, without hurting anyone's feelings or ruining a good friendship. It was all up to you.

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