Sammy Wilk Imagine

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"Hey babygirl, you ready?" Sammy asked, hooking his arm loosely around your waist and leaning down to kiss your forehead. You smiled up at him and nodded your head. He had decided to teach you how to skate even though you were certain this was not going to end well.

Since it was a beautiful day outside, you walked up to a park nearby which was luckily almost empty. He was carrying both of your skateboards as you walked around aimlessly, desperately trying to avoid having to step on it.

"Just stay relaxed and keep your knees flexible, I'll keep a hold of you don't worry" he said assuring you. The nerves were kicking in but you decided it would be better to just do it. You got up on it and took speed just a little bit so you were moving slowly, still holding his hand. "I think you can go a little faster" he said chuckling, and before you even noticed, he pushed you more speed.

"Sammy!" you squealed, almost losing your balance. He just laughed at you and held his hand on the small of your back. "You're doing great so far, baby" he said and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. Feeling his strong arm around you made you feel safe, and you trusted him to not to let you get hurt.

As soon as you got more speed and managed to keep a good balance, he got up on his own skateboard, and quickly reached you. He held out his hand and you happily intertwined your fingers again. "Now lean on right" he instructed, pointing at the turn ahead. You did as you were told and proudly smiled after turning perfectly.

You felt Sammy's hands on your waist as he came a little closer, both of your speed slowing down. "You're learning quickly, baby" he said with his eyes locked on yours. "Thank you. I guess I should give the credits to the teacher though" you said jokingly and giggled.

He turned his head but you kept taking in his features. You felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness. Everything was better than just good, and you couldn't think of anything you would change at the moment. He chuckled at you as he noticed your eyes still on him, and pressed his lips on yours.

"Eyes on the road, Sammy boy" you said pulling away. "Mmh, you're distracting me" he admitted, unable to stop eyeing your body. You shook your head but he had already made his mind. "C'mon, let's go" he said, taking your hand and pulling you behind him.

"I just learned this, we can't leave yet" you protested but he was not listening anymore. "First one to get home gets to do absolutely anything to the other person" he asked smirking, waiting for your approval to the little race. You did not have to think long until you were already anxiously racing back home.

Requested by @AnaiCoymans x

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