New Year's Resolutions | Preferences

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Nash: A promise to try to spend as much quality time together as possible. With his job it was rare for you to have some time for just the two of you.

Cam: To stay healthy - eat fresh and exercise often, no matter how hard it is with a busy life style.

Carter: You'd promise to love and respect each other with everything you've got.

Matt: Get more involved with charity.

Taylor: Help people in trouble, or with less money. You had more than you needed and you wanted to give back.

Shawn: Less stressing, no explanation needed.

Jack G: Healthier lifestyle; quit down on smoking, drinking and staying out late.

Jack J: Less take away food - more homemade.

Hayes: Do whatever you want, not what other people say.

Aaron: Try out new things with no prejudices, and do things you though you'd never do.

Jacob: Be more honest; tell people what you want and how you feel, don't let anyone step over you.

Sammy: Exercise together. Obviously good for for your health, but also an opportunity to spend more time together.

Dillon: Travel the world as much as possible, see new places and meet new people.

Nate: Whatever you do - do it with passion and give it all you've got.

Kenny: Spend more time with the people who have been there from the beginning. With meeting new people daily, it sometimes left your minds.

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