3M + Completed

30.4K 293 45

Sorry to keep you hanging for this long, I was just waiting for the perfect timing to publish this x

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you all and I just wanted to let you know how much you, your comments and votes mean to me. I honestly never in a million years thought I'd get this many reads and there's no words to describe how grateful I feel. You never cease to make me smile and laugh with your comments.

3M reads is basically impossible to comprehend, and it feels like a good place to end this. I'm not saying that the amount of reads it what counts but making so much progress and actually becoming way better at writing and hearing what you all think. Having this book completed gives me such a contented feeling, and makes me feel like I've actually achieved something I can be proud of.

As you've all probably noticed, I've kept a little break from writing my fanfics. At the moment I'm simply busy and trying to focus on regaining my inspiration. I will be continuing both of them sometimes hopefully soon. You can find them on my profile so please check them out if you haven't already, I hope you will all enjoy x

On the behalf of this book, bye everyone and thank you for the one last time.

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