What His Fans Think Of You | Preferences

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Nash: They think you two are perfect for each other and you can make each other happier than anyone else.

Cam: You have same kind of goals in life and you motive each other to do better and better.

Carter: He finally has the booty so he can tweet about something else (I just had to lol).

Matt: They love that he has someone who has totally same sense of humour.

Taylor: You're the only one keeping Tay from doing basically anything that comes to his mind.

Shawn: You bring out the best in each other and you're simply so cute they can't be jealous.

Jack G: You keep posting cute pictures of each other which the fans obviously like.

Jack J: You remind him to be active on social media and you give him time to talk to his fans etc.

Hayes: You both enjoy the same things and share a lot, the fans know they can trust you.

Aaron: You are good to him, and they never have to worry about you hurting him in anyway.

Jacob: They think that you bring out the best in each other.

Sammy: After seeing how happy you're always around each other, they loved you.

Dillon: You had the craziest ideas sometimes but  everyone found them amusing.

Nate: They feel like you deserve each other, and they're happy for you.

Kenny: You're both sweet and your little singing duets were loved.


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