Revealing Baby's Gender | Preferences

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Second chapter to my fanfic is up - go check it out if you haven't already x

Nash: Nash took a hold of your hand as you laid down, being examined. "Congratulations.. it seems to be a baby boy" the doctor said. You instantly looked up at Nash who smiled widely; you knew this was exactly what he wished for.

"@Nashgrier: Can't wait to see our little baby boy"

Cam: You called him as soon as you found out the gender since he couldn't get there because of work. "Babe.. it's a girl!" you almost screamed at the phone excitedly. "That's amazing, I love you babe" he answered, and you could hear a tiny crack in his voice, like he just shed a tear.

"@camerondallas: Love my two princesses" *Tweets a picture of you two on the hospital bed a few hours your baby was born*

Matt: Matt played with your fingers nervously as you opened the piece of paper the gender was written on. He couldn't make it to doctors but you still wanted to find out together so the doctor had written it on a piece of paper. You both stared at the word 'boy' written on it before embracing each other in a hug.

"@TheMattEspinosa: Two of the biggest blessings in my life" *Picture of him hugging you from behind, holding his hands on your baby bump - taken from your baby shower, with you holding blue balloons*

Taylor: You already knew the gender and you were anxiously waiting for Taylor to come home to tell him. As you heard the door open, you ran straight into his arms. "You're getting your princess" you squealed. "Our princess, baby. Our" he replied smiling widely and kissing your forehead.

"@taylorcaniff: Getting everything ready for our princess" *Picture of you sitting on the floor, putting together the baby's crib and folding pink sheets*

Shawn: You had decided to have the gender as a surprise. "Congratulations on a healthy boy" the nurse said smiling as she handed the baby to you. You looked up at Shawn only to see him reach his hand down with teary eyes.

"@ShawnMendes: Couldn't be happier to hold my baby boy in my arms"

Jack G: You both sat at the doctors room, waiting for him to come back with all the results. "It's a girl" he stated after coming back. Jack instantly pulled you even closer, and kissed your lips. "I'm so happy, babe" you whispered into his neck. You had both wanted for a baby girl so this was perfect.

"@jackgilinsky: Love you with all my heart" *Picture of the baby's tiny hand around Jack's finger*

Jack J: You had gotten the gender on a piece of paper as well. Later on you met him by lunch and read it together. You looked up at Jack who had teary eyes and a smile playing on his lips. "I hope he'll look like his dad" you said happily, making him let out a laugh.

"@JackJackJohnson: Our little boy" *Tweets a picture of the baby in his arms*

Requested on tumblr. I have a lot of other stuff going on right now so the requests might take a bit long to come up, sorry! x

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