You're Famous | Preferences

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THANK YOU SO MUCH for every single read, vote and comment I've gotten while I was gone. I'm back now and I'm seriously so blown away by the amount of them, love you xx

Nash: You were a fashion blogger. He noticed you on instagram and instantly followed, soon he DM'd you on twitter only to find out you were a fan of his. You two started talking and developed feelings for each other. Both of you were pretty busy with work and you were all over social media which worked for you just fine since you understood each other.

Cam: You were a model. He saw you in some commercials and followed you on twitter. You started talking to each other and not long after that he asked you on a date. You two instantly clicked and started dating, everyone shipped you two. 

Carter: I don't feel like doing much of these for Carter bc he's with Maggie and looks like I still have some of my morals left haha

Matt: You made vines. Matt and you met at an event and he was already basically crushing on you. The other guys made him ask for your number and you gave it to him. Soon after some texting and talking you were happily together.

Taylor: You were a model and he had always thought you looked hot. One day you met and he instantly came up to you mumbling how much he liked you. You thought he was adorable and gave him your number. Not long after that you were dating.

Shawn: You made covers on vine and youtube. One day he asked if you'd like to hang out sometimes and obviously you said yes. You decided to make a cover together and all of your fans went crazy. You started to see each other more and more, and soon you were a couple.

Jack G: You were a youtuber and you also did pretty much everything around social media. You both knew each other and once you finally got the change to talk at a party. You both enjoyed each other company and decided to go on a date. In no time you were together.

Jack J: You were a beauty guru on youtube. You had no idea Jack would even know you but as you met, he mumbled how he liked your videos and instantly blushed after that. You thought he was the cutest guy ever and asked if he would like to hang out sometimes. He agreed and soon asked you on a date.

Sammy: You were tumblr and instagram famous. He followed you and asked for your number. Slowly you two started talking a lot. After hanging out noticed you already had deep feelings for each other. Both of you admitted that and wasted no time to get together.

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