Confirming Your Relationship | Preferences

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Nash: He'll tweet and post pictures of you two on instagram which makes people realize you have something going on. Later he'll confirm that you're together.

Cam: He'll tweet something about a date night and soon post pictures of you two, making it obvious you're the one he's dating.

Carter: Everyone will just simply notice you two are getting pretty close. After a little while he'll post something saying that you're his girlfriend.

Matt: One of your friends will accidentally post a picture where you're sitting on his lap in the background. Every got suspicious so later on he tweets confirming that you are together.

Taylor: You'll be in his snapchats and he wouldn't really even try to hide your relationship. He'll just kiss you and soon your twitter feed is full of screenshots of it.

Shawn: He'd post a picture of you in his arms which makes everyone automatically assume you're dating, since he doesn't really post pics with other girls. After that he'd just tweet saying that he loves you.

Jack G: You'll keep tweeting each other a lot and without even realizing he'll call you babe. Everyone obviously notices that right away and tweets about it.

Jack J: He'd post a cute picture of you smiling and add "My babe is the cutest, no doubt" as the caption. You didn't even know he was going to post it so you were happily surprised.

Hayes: Someone else would post snapchats of you two cuddling. As people would tweet you about it, he'll just tweet confirming it.

Sammy: He would post a picture of you two kissing. After that he'd tweet saying "Yes I have a girlfriend and she's fucking gorgeous". (Yes Sammy, please)

Dillon: One of your friends would post a vine/snapchat where you're in his arms, laughing at something he's saying. Later he'd just post a pic of the same situation.

Nate: He would tweet something about going somewhere or do something 'with the babe', making everyone confused. Then he'd post a picture of you.

Kenny: He would just tweet a pic of you telling how much he loves you and how beautiful you are.

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