What Kind Of Boyfriend He Is | Preferences

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Nash: You can always trust him and he makes you feel like a princess.

Cam: He's protective and always makes sure you're doing fine and feeling happy.

Carter: He always makes you feel good and beautiful no matter what.

Matt: He's like your best friend, you can talk about anything and you trust his opinion.

Taylor: You never have a dull moment with him, he takes you to places and does cool stuff.

Shawn: When you're with him there's nothing else on your mind, all you can think about is him.

Jack G: He comes up with cool new ideas and encourages you trying new things.

Jack J: You completely trust his opinion and he loves to listen to you.

Hayes: He teaches you to play sports and you love being outside with him and forget about everything.

Aaron: He treats you really well and makes sure you have everything you need.

Jacob: He never makes you feel like your being clingy, you both enjoy each others company more than anything.

Sammy: He makes you happier than anyone else, and he surely knows how to make you feel good.

Dillon: He's fun and easy to be around, and he always makes your worries go away.

Nate: He makes you feel important and protected no matter what.

Kenny: He does everything he can to make your dreams can true, and you can count on him to help you.


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