Fighting | Preferences

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Nash: You're both very stubborn so neither of you want to apologize but when one of you does, the argument is already forgotten and you move on and cuddle.

Cam: He avoids arguments the best he can and he's always the first one to apologize. He'll kiss you senseless so you'll forget why you ever even had the fight.

Carter: You both state your opinions without even realizing what hurts the other one so you just end up both apologizing millions of times.

Matt: He doesn't want to see you mad so he'll do his best to make you laugh which makes you even more annoyed but always happy in the end.

Taylor: You keep yelling at each other which usually gets a quick stop when one of you turn it into a heated make out session.

Shawn: You both hate fighting so it doesn't happen that often but when it does it usually ends up with you cuddling as he sings to you.

Jack G: Your fights tent to get a bit heated, he'll punch the wall and you'll throw things. In the end things get even more heated but in a different way (;

Jack J: You'll yell at him as he sits there listening to you. It's rare that he starts yelling back, usually he just grabs you by the waist and hugs you until you calm down.

Sammy: He's the one to get more mad but you always know exactly how to make him forget about it.

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